Projection Report 3/10 (Daniel Lewinstein)

Presentation Issues: None

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates: N/A

Special Events/ AV set up: N/A

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None

Ordering/Receiving (content): None

Outgoing/Shipping (content): None

Print/video Inspection: N/A

Distro Doc updated/checked?: N/A

Maintenance/cleaning: None

Cue sheets updated (only if needed): No

Showtime boards & recording updated?: No

Cleaning lights on for the night? : yes
Lo-Res :

Additional Notes: So Daylight Savings completely screwed up our scheduler. When we scheduled it, apparently the TMS was accounting for the time change. Thinking it wasn't, Dylan P. and I adjusted the times manually. When the clocks changed, everything on the scheduler got pushed forward an hour. Since we had already adjusted them an hour, this resulted in the movies being scheduled to start 2 hours late this morning. Luckily, we won't have to worry about this again until the fall, but please keep this in mind when there are any time changes. I've adjusted the scheduler through the week and everything that was adjusted automatically is accurate again. -DS


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