Projection report, 3/24 PM

Presentation Issues: None. Nice work this weekend y'all! I think it was the busiest one yet for them.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Added "A1_Us_plus10mins" and "A1_Us_plus15mins" to screens 1-3. Dropped these in the schedule tomorrow wherever it made sense.

Created a playlist for In Bruges.

Updated playlist for Don't Break Down with credits lighting cue, added pause to Q+A slide.

Started a playlist for Bloodbath - still waiting on confirmation from Caryn about run of show. Made a Midnite trailer pack - not sure if this will get reused but there it is.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: I called in a favor to borrow a functional PA amp for STB this morning. The one we had for Saturday was barely able to get loud enough, and started clipping/cutting out toward the end of the show. Just couldn't get enough juice out of the old gal. We should definitely get something beefier for the future.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Pulp Fiction DCP is in the works, should be here by Tuesday.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Spot checked "Bloodbath," "Ovum," and "Fresh Blood." Bloodbath has a 1.66 aspect ratio, FYI. Would be nice to make a masking setting in TH3 for this, if possible, but we'd need to get DMS to make us another cue.

QC'ed In Bruges DCP.

Distro Doc updated/checked?: yes


Cue sheets updated (only if needed): Updated credits start times for Don't Break Down and In Bruges tomorrow evening.

Showtime boards & recording updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night? :

Lo-Res :

Additional Notes: I fixed the automation cues for switching to bluray/HDMI input on the servers. They should work from the TMS macro execution now (proj HDMI 1.78/1.85/2.39 cues).

The Samsung blu ray players, as you may know, aren't great for presentation - some discs won't stay paused, others revert to a screen saver (and I can't see any way to turn this off), so transitioning to a bluray is hard to do cleanly in these theaters. Hopefully we don't have too many of them.

ALSO I made a spreadsheet for supply ordering,, please put things we need in here! Don't worry about a link too much if it's something basic.


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