Projection Report 9/9 Close
Presentation Issues: None
Preshow Clips/Playlist:
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: Night of the Comet 35mm in Theater 1, with an introduction. Intro was recorded and mics/cables are back in bins in 4/6. No issues with projecting the print either, it's back on the shipping reels and boxed up waiting for a return label.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None
Ordering/Receiving (content): None
Outgoing/Shipping (content): None
Print/video Inspection: Grabbed credits times for Gundam, updated the cue sheet. The timecode for the credits is written down on a piece of paper on the desk in 4/6 since the playlist hasn't been built yet.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, no problems.
Marquee updated?: Took down Night of the Comet and replaced it with The Crow
Posters updated?: Put up Joker outside in place of A Hidden Life
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Projectors off for the night?: Yes
Projection cart by TH5?: Yes
Additional Notes:
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