Projection Report 11/5 Close

Presentation Issues: None

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Blue Velvet has been deleted from projector 2

** Made a Temp playlist with all shorts (except "Dishwasher") for NSF Closing Nite strictly for QC purposes (volume set at 5.0 across the board). (the playlist is SE_NSFClosingNite_TEMP) All shorts we currently have loaded are Flat, so there are no lens/masking cues needed.

Trailer Updates: built the '110819' adult trailer pack — once we get the Nov B card we can make playlists for next week

Special Events/ AV set up: n/a

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested (almost) all shorts for NSF Closing Nite to TMS. I tried to download "The Dishwasher" from EVO — however, while the file seems to have downloaded completely onto our portable drive, the TMS computer in the rack is not registering it when I try to load the drive there. I can't figure out why — very weird. If I am doing something wrong here please correct me.

** downloaded the Little Women and Knives Out trailers from Trailmix to TMS

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: QC'd "Princess Rita" and "See You Next Time" in theater 3 to determine their aspect ratios. They are both flat.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked

Maintenance/cleaning: We need to fix the marquee pole

** and we need to order more letter 'Y's for the marquee

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Continued building out the cue sheets for the week (start times only). We should now be good through Tuesday. End times can be grabbed once we can build/schedule the new playlists.

** Checked tomorrow's cues/scheduler — no issues as far as I can tell

Marquee updated?: took all info down from the north side, put up Slayer, and The Irishman for Friday. Marriage Story letters are pulled and sitting on the cabinet in booth 3/7 ready to go up front in the morning.

Posters updated?: updated snipes for Marriage Story

Cleaning lights on for the night?: yes

Projectors off for the night?: yes

Projection cart by TH5?: yes

Nest: Trivia Night. Small crowd tonight. Everything ran as usual. Gear has been returned to booth 4/6.

Additional Notes:


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