NPP Projection Report 1/2 Open/Close, Alec

Presentation Issues: About 20 minutes into today's first showing of Bombshell in Theater 3, the sound started to go in and out of sync. Corresponding with the sound problem the mute button on the CP750 would start flashing red by itself. Pressing the button did nothing but firing the "Unmute" macro through TMS would temporarily make the sound go back to normal. After the problem persisted for a few minutes I stopped the movie and cycled power to the processor and amps. When I turned them back on the mute button was still lighting up by itself, but the sound was not going out of sync anymore, just cutting out. After the CP750 was on for a bit I could control the mute button by pressing it and the sound was fine for the rest of the show. While we were having the issue Gil contacted Billy from DMS who said the problem could have been caused by the server sending random commands to the rack, so we restarted the server before the next round. The following two shows ran without issue.

-No masking blips in Theater 1 tonight,

-Little Women 35mm show went great!

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked tomorrow's against the scheduler and Matthew's film schedule, all set.

Marquee updated?: Chris added Parasite to the front of the marquee.

Posters updated?: Holding off on putting up the Parasite poster since Karen is bringing a fresh one from WB before open tomorrow.

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Projectors off for the night?: Yes

Projection cart by TH5?: Yes


Additional Notes: Chris was in to train tonight. Although tonight was pretty slow for us he did all the manual starts, updated the marquee, watched me thread Little Women and continued familiarizing himself with the platter system, and was around when the issue in Theater 3 happened. I also showed him the myriad documents we use and went over how we keep track of incoming content via the various web portals. We went over some event stuff (lightboards in 1 and 2, mic/DJ setup in Hi-Res) but of course did not get to use anything since the theater was open.


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