NPP Projection Report Sunday 1/19 CLOSE Chris
Presentation Issues:
-RM mentioned that she thought the BOMBSHELL preshow was maybe too loud, She worked the film back-to-back tonight after having not worked it very much previously and said she had to lean in close the hear guests' orders during PS. It did seem maybe a tad loud to me, tho I am not super familiar with the mix of our preshows yet.
Preshow Clips/Playlist:N/A
Trailer Updates:N/A
Special Events/ AV set up:N/A
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): N/A
Ordering/Receiving (content):N/A
Outgoing/Shipping (content):N/A
Print/video Inspection:
-Finished teching LET THE RIGHT ONE IN, no technical issues, image is kinda... murky but its a purposely dreary looking film as I recall and I'd imagine a lot of the actual murk is the result of a 1080p blu ray being converted to DCP and put on a big screen where I'm used to seeing 2k/4k/film. Not much to be done there.
-There is a potential issue with the film however. Back when LTROI came out on blu-ray there was a sizable "scandal" regarding the blu-ray's english subtitles amongst film weirdos. In short, they had been significantly altered from the film's theatrical release, dumbed down to the point of nonsense and in certain cases significantly altered the content of given scenes. It may sound banal to some but the alterations were bad enough and the uproar loud enough that the distributor was actually pushed to re-do the home video release to include the theatrical subs. As one of the aforementioned weirdos who took issue back in the day I soon realized that our DCP carries these bad subs, and I'm concerned that customers who were willing to throw down $95 for a ticket to this may fall into the same camp, especially the Shudder curator who is using this event to propose to his girlfriend. It may be worth looking at the blu ray we sourced this from to see if the alternate subs, labeled (Theatrical) English, are available on the disc to swap in, as I'm sure no one wants to re-do the DCP process a day before the event. Good chance no one will notice/care but if ever there was a crowd likely to, they'll be here on Tuesday. I'll email Deanna this portion of the report.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, tidied up Tuesday, will double check Wednesday and Thursday tomorrow.
Marquee updated?:
-Down goes Explorers, up goes HARRIET THE SPY.
Posters updated?:N/A
Cleaning lights on for the night?:Yes
Projectors off for the night?:Yes
Projection cart by TH5?:Yes
Additional Notes:
-Some staff members mentioned offhand that they are interested in staff screenings of LTROI and HARRIET THE SPY.
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