Projection Report Thurs 1/16 Close- Chris
Presentation Issues: All's well on that front. Lil' Women is a moving oil painting etc.
Preshow Clips/Playlist:
-Ingested all relevant material for and subsequently built Let the Right One In, pretty simple build but it's baby's first CPL so please give it a thorough looking over; still needs volume and credit light cues.
-We need to re-check cue sheet for Let the Right One In, as built it is rather at odds with the event memo, particularly regarding pre-show/doors open timing. Currently it is meant to receive an intro in lieu of trailers, which may also affect timing.
-Scheduled Saturday 1/18 thru Monday 1/20 in TMS. Check away!
Trailer Updates: Karen handled in AM
Special Events/ AV set up: N/A
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A
Ordering/Receiving (content):N/A
Outgoing/Shipping (content):N/A
Print/video Inspection:
-Let the Right One In will need to be tech'd soon.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
-Added some stats for Let the Right One In
-Michael cleaned T1 35mm #1 after LW screening
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
-Built end times for Monday 1/20 and Tuesday 1/21, Karen did Wednesday and Thursday. MODs working that Monday MLK Day shift should be aware that there will be a lot of very tight turnarounds- 6 manual starts, with T4 in particular basically being run manually all day.
Marquee updated?: Jojo Rabbit went up.
Posters updated?: Jojo Rabbit went up, stowed away Emma.
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Projectors off for the night?:
-Yes, left on 4 sans lamp for ingest purposes, nearly left on 3 and 7 as TMS wouldn't accept Matilda or Annie until Michael gave it a stern talking-to via reboot fairly late into my shift, but they finished up by clock-out.
Projection cart by TH5?: Yes
Nest: Not gonna lie not entirely sure what this means.
Additional Notes:
-Michael wanted me to put a reminder here to give me a non-training projection designation for clock in, but I believe Rachel handled it tonight before she left. Will need to have this shift as well as Tuesday, 1/14 adjusted accordingly.
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