Thursday 3/12 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed:
-Carried out scheduled Ingests and deletions.

Presentation Issues: See video inspection.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:
-Added cues to Raging Bull.

-Altered our adult trailer packs, removed trailer for Quiet Place II as this film now lacks a release date, replaced it with trailer for Black Widow. Couldn't find tech notes for this trailer, have it playing at 4.2. It will probably be delayed too anyhow.

-Please delete all 030620 labeled SPls, I  only got to it after turning off most projectors.

Trailer Updates:N/A

Special Events/ AV set up:
-Where Does a Body End's Q+A went well, cleared off all related content save the Music Driven preshow I didn't know if we hang onto that for the next MD event.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content):
-Removed 1917, Call of the Wild, Sonic + Wendy from TMS. Keeping their CRU drives on site per Matthew and Karen. The 1917 and Wendy specific preshows were removed as well.

Print/video Inspection:
-Tech'd Raging Bull. Something is amiss here. We have a 1.85 film that, when lens and masking are set to 1.85 in T1, fails to meet the masking in all directions, entirely enclosed in a black border. Leaving lens at 1.85 and setting masking to 1.78 is better but still fails to meet vertical masking on either the top or bottom, with slight bleed on the screen right horizontal curtain. Most satisfactory image I could get was 1.78 lens with 1.78 masking, but the image still fails to meet top or bottom masking borders and falls ever so slightly short of the screen right curtain the 1.85 lens bleeds onto. Supremely annoying as this is an infamously beautiful, well-composed film. Please someone put eyes on this before saturday AM. Raging Bull has a notably harsh aesthetic overall, really brutal rough sound design, but I could swear this is a little too low and muted. Have to crank it up to 6.5 before it sounds right to me, before the blows in the fight scenes hit right. No doubt it is meant to be played particularly loud in general. I'll throw on my blu-ray when I get home to compare, could just be I'm overthinking following the image weirdness.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
-Added tech info for Raging Bull.

-None today.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
-Tomorrow is set.

Marquee updated?:
-Down came 1917, Wendy, Sonic and Call of the Wild, up went The Invisible Man, Fantastic Fungi, Swallow and  Lost Girls.

-Took down Where Does a Body End and advertised Murder on the Orient Express in it's place.

Posters updated?:
-Mulan, Lost Girls, Invisible Man & Swallow all went outside, Promising Young Woman went up in the vestibule. Took down the same titles that came off our marquee.

Cleaning lights on for the night?:Yes

Projectors off for the night?:Yes

Projection cart by TH5?:Yes


Additional Notes:
-I apologize for my atrocious handwriting on the whiteboard. My scrawl is never pretty, but it's far worse in expo marker in a cramped space. Lord have mercy.


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