Wednesday 3/4 CLOSE Chris
To do this evening/ was completed:
Presentation Issues:
-When teching Where Does a Body End in T5 it is apparent that the 1.78 masking leaves a decent sized black border on both sides when used in combo with the 1.78 lens file. Oddly the usually noticeable keystoning in T5 is nearly non-existent when the lens is set for 1.78 whereas one would think it would be more severe with a boxier image like that?
Preshow Clips/Playlist:
-Built out Wendy.
Trailer Updates:N/A
Special Events/ AV set up: Karen and I figured out the volume issue in hi-res, was indeed that the volume on the projector itself had been turned down, assumedly for Karaoke.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A
Ordering/Receiving (content):
-Did NOT bring in Seven Stages or Music Driven PS, they failed ingest and comparing file sizes on EVO and Proj Mac showed that neither was anywhere close to fully downloaded to Proj Mac.
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
-Walked two drives, I believe Brokeback and last week's TrailMix, over to UPS.
-Deleted The Photograph from all servers and packed up it's drive.
Print/video Inspection:
-Got another 40 mins into Where does a Body End, so pick up from 1:10. A/V was fine.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
-Updated some delivery infor for upcoming events.
-Tried to catch a lot of masking changes, they're downright buttery from what I've seen/heard.
-Wanted to do some more changeover practice but ran out of time.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
-Finished next week and scheduled Wendy for T4 tomorrow.
Marquee updated?:
-Down Came The Photograph, up went Wendy and Onward. I've left Birds of Prey up there since we have one show of it tomorrow and its poster is now down, same for CatVidFest.
Posters updated?:
-QPII and Lost Girls are now in the vestibule, Wendy + Once Were Bros. are now outside, left a coming soon snipe over Bros to be changed at close tomorrow. The Hunt is also outside with a CS snipe.
-Birds of Prey + Catvids were not listed in the archive sheet so I gave the posters used outside for these films a slot in the poster warren. If we don't need that somewhat weathered BoP poster for archive please don't throw it out, I will happily take it.
-We should archive the Bond poster that we have since it's release date is no longer April and it is officially a curio. It's a bit beat up for some reason but still worth holding onto.
Cleaning lights on for the night?:Yes
Projectors off for the night?:Yes
Projection cart by TH5?:Yes
Additional Notes:
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