NPP Projection Report 1/10 Admin
To do this evening/ was completed: I looked at a reel on projector #2 in Theater 1, and the adjustments I made over the weekend seem to have helped somewhat, but there is still a shake in the image, especially when I increase the gate tension. With the gate tension loosened all the way I think it looks OK, the shake is very faint and only really noticeable in moving shots and even then it’s very light, so I have it set that way and I tightened the set screw for it so the knob is stuck in place and the gate tension can’t be increased. I think it’s watchable this way, but I’m hesitant to make a definite decision without a fresh set of eyes to look at it. If we tech the Desperately Seeking Susan print in there this week that would be a good opportunity to determine if we should go ahead with 35mm screenings in this theater. I also spoke to Jerry from DMS about their impending visit and he said they’ll be visiting “definitely this week.” I fear, since my adjustments have not resolved the issue completely, that a part is worn and will need to be replaced.
Presentation Issues: The masking automation in Theater 6 has been working normally. Jack confirmed there were no problems yesterday and I checked the start of the first round West Side Story and the curtains opened on cue. Since this is reminiscent of the issue we had several months back in Theater 1 (the scope masking cue would sporadically stop working), I’ll have DMS check it out when they visit this week.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: Waiting on preshow content to build playlists, with the exception of the Scream preshow which is ready now.
Trailer Updates: Ingested Moonfall and Cyrano trailers and made trailer packs for the coming week.
Special Events/ AV set up: Switchblade Sisters is all set for tonight. No intro, it’s a fully automated digital show.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for Scream 5 and Marry Me (a Valentine’s Day release).
Ordering/Receiving (content): Scream and Minions drives will be arriving tonight. Ingest Scream to TMS, hold off on Minions for today. When the schedule is finalized and the auditorium for this screening is chosen we will ingest it to that house.
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Sleepy Hollow print got picked up by FedEx.
Wound Mermaids back onto its shipping reels for return. This came with a label so I’ll get a pickup scheduled for this week.
Print/video Inspection: Teched the Cocksucker Blues Digibeta in Theater 1. Had to make a few adjustments to the settings on the player (it was set to PAL for our test tape while the tape of CS Blues is NTSC), but it looks and sounds good. I will need to make a screen file specially for this screening so it plays in the correct aspect ratio, the player automatically stretches it to 16x9 when it should be 4x3. There were no settings to adjust the display dimensions on the player itself, so it will have to be done on the projector. This shouldn’t be difficult, I would have taken care of it today but the theater opened and I would need to have the tape on screen to make the screen file. I also have the player connected to the booth monitor via HDMI. For sound, I’m using the Non-Sync input with the Decode Mode set to mono, the setting it was on had the sound playing from 4 speakers (I guess trying to force surround sound) which didn’t sound great with the mono mix.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes, updated CS Blues entry.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projectors off for the night?:
Projection cart by TH5?:
Additional Notes:
Print/video Inspection: Teched the Cocksucker Blues Digibeta in Theater 1. Had to make a few adjustments to the settings on the player (it was set to PAL for our test tape while the tape of CS Blues is NTSC), but it looks and sounds good. I will need to make a screen file specially for this screening so it plays in the correct aspect ratio, the player automatically stretches it to 16x9 when it should be 4x3. There were no settings to adjust the display dimensions on the player itself, so it will have to be done on the projector. This shouldn’t be difficult, I would have taken care of it today but the theater opened and I would need to have the tape on screen to make the screen file. I also have the player connected to the booth monitor via HDMI. For sound, I’m using the Non-Sync input with the Decode Mode set to mono, the setting it was on had the sound playing from 4 speakers (I guess trying to force surround sound) which didn’t sound great with the mono mix.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes, updated CS Blues entry.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projectors off for the night?:
Projection cart by TH5?:
Additional Notes:
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