NPP Projection Report 2/1 Admin

To do this evening/ was completed: Trivia in Trees Lounge.

Crouching Tiger screening in T1.

Build Who We Are playlist when the feature finishes ingesting.

Build cue sheets and schedule for next week as much as time permits, can be completed tomorrow.

Please tech the Groundhog Day playlist in T1 before opening tomorrow.

Presentation Issues: Recreated the light off warning in T7, there was an error message on the projector when I got in but the time stamp matches when the lamp was cued to shut off last night, ran the lamp on cue and the light shut itself off shortly after. Hard rebooted the projector and ran the cue again and the light stayed on, and there was no issue at the start of the first preshow in this house.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Downloaded updated book promo and Ruth Carter preshow to the DCPII drive.

Trailer Updates: Ingested a trailer for Who We Are, though we probably won’t end up showing it.

Special Events/ AV set up: Started a doc on the iMac with notes for reorganization of the VHS Vault content, apparently there’s some distinctly adult content in the All Ages folder. Made an “X Rated” folder for highly sexually explicit content, and started going through the All Ages folder to see what should be taken out. So far I’ve only moved a few files to the After Hours folder (R-rated films and adult skewing NR films), haven’t found any of the porn yet. Will continue to sort through both All Ages and After Hours folders in the coming week.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received new Uncharted posters.

Ordering/Receiving (content): Who We Are DCP drive came in, started the feature ingesting to the TMS.

Ingested keys for Jackass Forever and Who We Are. Moonfall keys are coming this evening.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Placed Speed Racer, Fun, and Casper prints for return pickups tomorrow. Scheduled a FedEx pickup for Speed Racer and Fun, Universal will be sending someone to pickup the Casper print at some point. All prints are labeled with their respective return method, and FedEx labels are attached to the ones they’ll be picking up.

Print/video Inspection: Tech screened Starman and Crouching Tiger prints in T1. Both look and sound great!

Began inspecting the Earth Girls Are Easy print, it’s in fair shape. Lots of splices in the first reel and vertical base scratches. There are duplicate sets of cues on the first reel (not sure if all others will be the same, could be some film was cut off the end and new cues added), but this shouldn’t cause too much trouble for the projection as the first set of cues that appear on screen are the right ones to use for motor start and change over. The duplicate cues are printed, while the good cues are scribed, so the projectionist should start the motor on the first cue which appears, ignore the printed cue which will appear right after, and changeover on the second scribed cue which appears. This is all noted on the inspection form.

Checked the Jackass bonus clip to make sure it’s the right thing. It was the “round table” video the studio mentioned to play on Thursday night shows only, this is in the playlist for Thursday night.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes, updated entries for this week’s new first runs.

Maintenance/cleaning: Received four new 16M bulbs from Christie. These are for the smaller CP2215 projectors, which all currently have good bulbs in, so these are backup for when their lamps eventually expire. They are all labeled new and on the shelf with the other used lamps (which are also clearly labeled) in 4/6. Still waiting on word about delivery of lamps for the CP2220 projectors.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projectors off for the night?:

Projection cart by TH5?: In 3/7 with prints for return tomorrow on it. Be sure to leave by the side entrance at close.


Additional Notes:


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