Projection Admin 2/27 Lillian

To do this evening/ was completed: Posting a little early. This morning the electricians fixed the light in T1. I ran through a few sequences just to double check and everything was working great until the fire alarm went off due to smoke in the 4/6 booth. Same thing as last time, it was the soldering on the roof. The smoke subsided and I cleared the theatres with the fire alarm cue. After this happened, the cleaning lights wouldn't execute, and stuck to house lights. Paul reset the fire alarm and I checked the first round of AntMan today once it finished to see if the cue would properly execute cleaning lights and it did not. We'll get the electricians back in here. 

We should receive the new film schedule this evening. 

Presentation Issues: 

Preshow Clips/Playlist: 

Made the DCPs for all the following NSF '23 slides: 

Opening Nite, Matinee Two, NoBudge, Closing Nite ~ all of which are without sponsor info (I confirmed with Cristina that this is correct). 

NSF '23 Sponsor Thank You, NSF '23 Welcome Program slides have been made and ingested. 

Built the playlists for all NSF '23 programs ~ left a note for myself for tomorrow to check these playlists with a run-through and snag volume for Bowling4Eva since we didn't get a chance to tech that on the day. Intimacy Workshop masking will need to be double checked, too. 

Downloaded and ingested the DCP for the 5min preshow of Reconsider This (Tron Legacy) 

Made the playlist for Dad & Step Dad (see memo)

Trailer Updates: 

Special Events/ AV set up: (see below for Fatal Attraction) in the maintenance section. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested KDMs for Magic Mike, Puss in Boots

Received The Fugitive and Breathless. We can inspect back onto shipping reels (tails out) so we don't use up house reels. 

Received Desmond's new slides for March, just waiting on The Hunger. Made the DCP Slide for Matilda and Dad & Step Dad

After Hours should arrive tomorrow morning. 

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Johnny Guitar will be taken to the post this evening. 

Print/video Inspection: Teching Attack the Block and Persepolis tomorrow with Desmond. Playlists are already built, just running through everything. 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Ran loops in T1 for tonight's screening of Fatal Attraction

Reached out to DMS the other day to get us some lamps, but haven't heard back yet. Calling DMS again tomorrow. 

Roger is officially coming in on Wednesday...we're going to check in with a few things regarding the 35 machines not just in T1, but in T4, too. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes

Marquee updated?: Creed can go up this week. 

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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