Projection Admin 2/8 Lillian

To do this evening/ was completed: Jack beat up his hand pretty badly, so send him some good energy or some memes. 

Staff screenings for Tar, Magic Mike and Brazil have been sent out. Had our cinema meeting! We're in good shape for NSF'23. Let's continue to download, ingest, and organize all assets for tech. 

We had a bit of smoke in 4/6 today due to maintenance on the roof. It faded relatively fast. All clear now, but just so folks know in case it happens again and you're wondering where the heck it's coming from. 

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Downloaded the rest of the preshow for Decision to Leave and built the playlist out. 

Downloaded and ingested the Generic Preshow Comics_15min for Ant Man playlist. 

Ingested Fire of Love intro. Not sure if we'll be using this. 

Trailer Updates: Ingesting the Oscar Shorts Trailer-- this can get added to all trailer packs apart from Special Event playlists! 

Special Events/ AV set up: Took the attached ADA seats out in T2 (1213) which can get put back after Knock at the Cabin finishes at 6:25.

Hosts for the 2/16 event will be dropping off content on Monday, 2/13, around noon. I'll keep an eye out for this. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Downloaded and ingested the KDMs for Brazil, Tar and Megan

Ingested Ant Man, Fire of Love, The Best Man.

John dropped off The Love Witch today. This can get inspected this evening. 

When I extracted the DCP for A Silent Voice, it was missing a few files in the folder, despite the fact that the wetransfer page said it had six. I am extracting this again just to be sure, but the distributors are aware and will be taking a look. 

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Hard Day's Night and Dr. Strangelove have been posted. Thanks, Will! 

Print/video Inspection: Love Witch will be inspected this evening. Alec will be running this for Cristina on Friday. 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Spoke to Roger (who has been insanely busy.) He'll be coming in next week to check out T1. 

I checked in on the lamp alignment in each projector today and they do need to be focused/adjusted more. Alec and I will get on that together since it's easier to do with two people to go back and forth and make sure both projectors are as even as possible. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
Offsets have been added to Decision to Leave

Marquee updated?: Will is updating this evening. 

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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