NPP Projection Admin 8/22 - Jack/Alec
Working on finishing the schedule for Sept., sorry it's late again! Will get it posted ASAP. -AL
To do this evening/ was completed: Tech'd the New Strains playlist, was missing a few cues so I filled those in. Noticed our T3 masking quick controls weren't responsive to the 1.33/1.37 cue so Alec updated that in the IMS. Mics set up, should be a smooth show.
Presentation Issues:
Preshow Clips/Playlist: We got a second intro slide and a trailer for the Saturday Back to the Future show only. They're promoting the musical adaptation. I converted both to DCP and added them to the playlist for Sat. -AL
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: Brought in the masking for the 1.37 preset in Th3 for tonight, New Strains is slightly narrower than 1.37. -AL
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Converting the Marie Antoinette blu-ray rip through HandBrake down in Th1. For a Th6 private event. -AL
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: I checked the motor on P1 in Th6. Looking really good after applying the sealant! -AL
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
To do this evening/ was completed: Tech'd the New Strains playlist, was missing a few cues so I filled those in. Noticed our T3 masking quick controls weren't responsive to the 1.33/1.37 cue so Alec updated that in the IMS. Mics set up, should be a smooth show.
Finished scheduling the week in the TMS and started working on the cue sheets.
Re-inspected Hard Target and packed it up for outgoing--reached out to Universal and DHL, also updated the manual about Universal prints with the right email addresses to reach out to.
We're Going to Eat You packaged up and scheduled for pickup tomorrow, both prints have been left by the side entrance.
Viva came with shipping labels stating Prospect Park was both the shipping and receiving address so I reached out to Cristina to get confirmation on the right address, waiting to hear back.
Tech'd Fearless with Cristina and logged volume--the print had been listed as Dolby SR but is actually a Dolby A soundtrack.
Rush Hour 2 DCP turned out to be the first Rush Hour. Both discs came with the Blu-Ray case. Alec ripped the right feature and we made a new DCP.
-Please ingest this to Th7 tonight! It should finish encoding around 9pm.
Presentation Issues:
Preshow Clips/Playlist: We got a second intro slide and a trailer for the Saturday Back to the Future show only. They're promoting the musical adaptation. I converted both to DCP and added them to the playlist for Sat. -AL
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: Brought in the masking for the 1.37 preset in Th3 for tonight, New Strains is slightly narrower than 1.37. -AL
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Converting the Marie Antoinette blu-ray rip through HandBrake down in Th1. For a Th6 private event. -AL
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: I checked the motor on P1 in Th6. Looking really good after applying the sealant! -AL
Vlad did not end up coming today. Juan is checking with him to reschedule. -AL
Got that weird buzzing from the rear surround speakers again with the Multi-Ch Analog input selected in T6. This was right before Jack went to tech Fearless. I checked a few things really quickly and the buzzing stopped when i powered the CP500 on/off. Turning off the analog sound heads had no effect. I'm almost certain this is the SA10 ("Surround Adapter") since I didn’t see any levels on the CP500 but they were showing up on the 750. The lights for "Left Surround" and "Rear Surround" on the SA10 were lit up when the buzzing happened, too. I just disconnected the power to the SA10 after they teched the reel, we don't need to be using it. I'm going to test the audio in there again tomorrow, anyway, to see if the slightly strange-sounding dialogue Jack mentioned to me on Fearless was because of playing the Dolby A soundtrack with SR decoding on the CP500. But we should be in the clear with this now. -AL
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
I filled in the timing for Rush Hour 2 tomorrow night, and both Back to the Future shows this weekend. -AL
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
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