NPP Projection Close 8/31
To do this evening/ was completed: A very unpleasant night of trying to be in three places at once while troubleshooting a variety of issues; Lillian wrote in her blog about the problem with the lights in theaters 3 and 7 which, unfortunately, continued to affect these auditoriums throughout the evening and was only complicated by the private event in theater 5 (which also had its own issues) and the print in theater 1
Presentation Issues: The wall lights in theater 3 did not go fully dark during the second round despite Wyatt having flipped the breaker switch to turn off the ceiling lights (which had initially turned off the wall lights during the tests this morning following the fire alarm fiasco) so the audience watched Gran Turismo in half darkness as did guests for Barbie during the third and final round
Presentation Issues: The wall lights in theater 3 did not go fully dark during the second round despite Wyatt having flipped the breaker switch to turn off the ceiling lights (which had initially turned off the wall lights during the tests this morning following the fire alarm fiasco) so the audience watched Gran Turismo in half darkness as did guests for Barbie during the third and final round
Something triggered the mute command on the sound rack to theater 7 twice this evening -- truly no idea what caused it since no one or nothing in the booth touched the button but all it took to fix it was hitting it again to unmute the audio (all this happened close to midnight with about 15 minutes left in the film)
The List screening in theater 5 was marred by seemingly slow internet connectivity that kept the picture from ever looking clearer than 720p throughout despite the HD resolution achieved during the tech this morning; the images below were what it looked like at its worst (the hosts were made aware of the technical issue and knew that the film was streaming through Amazon Prime)
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: The List private event screening in theater 5 went about as well as it could given the issues with the picture; The Island screening in theater 1 and its intro went very smoothly
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): The Nun II feature content became available this afternoon through Deluxe and was ingested to the TMS
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: Re-inspected and packaged The Island for return shipping (return labels were included and taped to the outside of the canisters)
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Marquee updated?: Added The Equalizer 3 to the marquee; took down The List from the side marquee after the private screening
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Projection cart by entrance?: Yes
Additional Notes: Whoever keeps leaving half finished cups of coffee and/or tea around the booths please remember to empty and throw these away before you leave
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: The List private event screening in theater 5 went about as well as it could given the issues with the picture; The Island screening in theater 1 and its intro went very smoothly
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): The Nun II feature content became available this afternoon through Deluxe and was ingested to the TMS
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: Re-inspected and packaged The Island for return shipping (return labels were included and taped to the outside of the canisters)
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Marquee updated?: Added The Equalizer 3 to the marquee; took down The List from the side marquee after the private screening
The electronic marquee board beside the lobby bar was also suffering from its own technical issues throughout the night as Dwight noted the times were not updating and, despite a reset of the marquee emulator on the desktop, no change occurred and this persisted into the evening up until the desktop itself (and all the electronics connected to the power strip in the corner of the 3/7 booth) lost power
An extension cord was wired to the power strip and connected to an outlet behind the bar (since neither of the two outlets in the 3/7 booth corner were functional) which restored power but, according to Carly who radioed as the 35mm screening in theater 1 was finishing up, the board was still displaying showtimes from earlier in the day (another reset updated the times and this should keep doing so automatically come tomorrow)
Posters updated?: Added a "now showing" snipe above the poster for The Equalizer 3 outside
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Projection cart by entrance?: Yes
Additional Notes: Whoever keeps leaving half finished cups of coffee and/or tea around the booths please remember to empty and throw these away before you leave
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