Projection Admin 12/20 Lillian

To do this evening/ was completed: Hey team. The schedule for January has been posted. 

Also! We now have a Spotify account just for projection use. This will be helpful when we have events that require a playlist during preshow so that we're not competing with the bar/running into any issues or have to use our own accounts anymore. The email we're using is the that you're already familiar with. The email/password info is in the NPP Vendor/Account Logins spreadsheet in the drive. I've also written this on the white board above the desk in 4/6. I cleaned up the board, reorganized a bit to make more space/make it a bit neater. 

Important note: You must (!) remember to actively write down your inspection notes in the inspection form provided when going through a print. This is incredibly important. We all rely on these in order to have a good show and maintain solid relationships with the distros/collectors, etc. 

Iron Claw, Migration, American Fiction KDMs go live tomorrow! We'll tech in the morning. Keys for The Color Purple go live this upcoming Sunday. It's a Wonderful Life keys go live Friday! 

I'll send out a staff screening email tomorrow for Friday since we'll have folks working in the theatres tomorrow and we're not entirely sure where they'll be. Our screening rooms are looking better than before. Took a peak around today. 

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Checked the TMS for any KDM issues. Uploaded the KDM for the 7.1 of Migration. Be careful when uploading to make sure you snag em all in the email. 

Chased down a few others. Uploaded new keys for KOTFM, Napoleon, Dream Scenario, Boy and The Heron. 

Trailer Updates: Checked all trailer packs. 

Special Events/ AV set up: School screening is on the calendar for tomorrow. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Finished downloading the Ferrari preshow content. Ingested this and The Color Purple preshow content to the TMS. We can build these playlists tonight.

Reached out to Deluxe for an eta on the KDM for American Fiction. Keys were issued shortly after. These have been uploaded. We're good to go. 

We received tracking for the Sundays on Fire print. Please note that this is coming from AGFA and the now require a print report in advance of each screening. 

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Started a post report for Cobra. Jack, please add your notes to this. We'll get this done tomorrow. 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes. Updated today. 

Maintenance/cleaning: Updated the Special Events white board in 4/6  for both 35mm and DCP titles. 

We will be getting our new speakers (hopefully!) no later than Friday. Gave them a bump so we can get this done before the holidays. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes! 

Marquee updated?: Took down Cobra and added Hi Mom! Saw that some of the letters for Dream Scenario had shifted, so that's been fixed. 
Tonight we can take down Napoleon & Holdovers. Their last screenings are today. 

Posters updated?: ^Napoleon and Holdovers. Please replace this evening. 

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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