NPP Projection Report 1/26 Admin

To do this evening/ was completed: Reminder that we need to manually ingest playlists to servers 2, 3, and 7 while their schedules aren't showing up on the TMS. Due to whatever issue is causing that, content doesn't get automatically sent over 3 days before the scheduled showtime like usual. Magnificent Obsession and the Classic Pictures preshow wasn't on the Theater 3 server this morning. The easiest way to make sure all content is ingested for the scheduled shows is to use the "Ingest SPL" function which you get to from the Playlist Builder page on the TMS, circled below.
You can then send a playlist to a particular screen and all missing content will be ingested right away. I did this for everything in 2, 3, and 7 for tonight and this weekend. In the screenshot below I've just sent the Babies Poor Things playlist to Theater 2.

Ordered new walkie earpieces which should definitely fit the walkie, should be here sometime over the weekend pending the order's approval. Other ones are being returned.

My notes from yesterday's blog got erased, the main thing was that Vlad was here yesterday morning and he cut the power to the fluorescent in Theater 2 that was flickering when the lights were down. He'll be back to disable all the emergency lights in the ceiling soon.

There is also still a leak in the Theater 2 booth when it rains. Not as serious as it's been in the past but if the rain picks up please check on the booth and wipe up any water that's collected on the floor. There's a mop, loads of napkins, and cloths in there.

We received a replacement IMCB and light sensor for the Theater 4 projector.

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Downloaded the V4 Late Round preshow clips to the DCPII drive.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Shaft and Space Jam prints are in.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Teched Don't Tell Her It's Me, Thomasine & Bushrod, and The Fan with Cristina today. Don't Tell Her looks and sounds good (see the note below on Th1's sound, though), as does The Fan. I managed to find a higher quality version of Thomasine & Bushrod so I'll get that and bring it in to convert into DCP.

Looked at Magnificent Obsession in Theater 3. All good, just note that this movie is in the 2.00:1 ratio, I added that lens/masking change pack to the playlist. A handful of 50s movies used this ratio.

Teched The Deer Hunter with Desmond, this looks really nice and I noted the volume.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Heard the crackling/pops in Theater 1 when Don't Tell Her It's Me was playing. The only commonality I've noticed when this happens is that it's been during a DCP which has a 2-channel stereo mix and was a DCP we made. I rebooted the CP750 and reingested the Cemetery Man trailer (a 2-channel stereo DCP we didn't make), played it loud and heard no pops, then played one of the NoBudge shorts I'd heard this happen consistently with, no pops there either. Seems just rebooting the sound processor fixed this.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Not sure what happened here but the first two rounds in Theater 4 today were wrong on the cue sheets, but correctly scheduled. It had the showtimes for the coming Thursday, a 3:15 Iron Claw and a 6:15 American Fiction, when it should've been a 2:45 Iron Claw and a 5:45 Wonka. Updated the cues once Wyatt radio'd me.

Marquee updated?: Put up Hudson's birthday wish, it's on the side where the brunch titles were.

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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