Projection Admin 9/23

To do this evening/ was completed: I divided up the feature links for NewFest. Please see your section and make sure you continue downloading and/or reach out to us should something go awry. Please reach out to us if the shorts are giving you difficulty, too. We will begin teching content on Thursday. I printed out most of our set-in-stone tech dates. You'll see em on the white board above the 4/6 comp. One of Will's shorts had an issue ingesting so it's downloading again. 

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Tech'd the playlist for Jailhouse 41 and removed the Mubi trailer as per Kat's email. Film looks and sounds great. I added 3 minutes of black with a house lights up cue to the end of the playlist since there's no credits sequence and we don't want to just throw patrons into the bright lights after. Spoke to Jess and made a note on the sheets. - Lillian 

Tech'd Dylan's BDay playlist and made a few adjustments. Already smooth sailing. Film ends around 6pm. Chenelle will let ya know when it's time to move on with the shorts after cake. NOTE: As per Chenelle's request this morning, I moved the marquee rental title to the centre and took down the 35mm info. The 35mm info has been organized and is ready to put back up once the party is complete. I wasn't sure if they wanted to take photos with it after the screening, so it's still up there! - Lillian 

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: The DCP for The Harvest has had some issues as we were informed today that the restored DCP wasn't entirely ready, so they're sending the DCP as is (via edelivery) as well as overnighting a BluRay for backup. - Lillian

Spoke to Cristina about Girl Talk (which is getting pushed back to 2025) I'll likely pick up the print and inspect it. L

For NewFest, I downloaded and ingested almost all of my share of the shorts, apart from two that need to be resent through a different platform, and another that is not yet ready for download. Kim, Dustin and I are in touch about this. - Lillian

Began downloading the final two shorts for NewFest, whose DCP links were sent this afternoon -WB

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Downloaded and ingested keys for The Harvest, Beetlejuice

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Will inspected all of the Henry print, which is in excellent condition. He uploaded photos to the drive for Conrad! Also, Normal Life got picked up. Thanks, Will! - Lillian 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: 

Maintenance/cleaning: Recylcing out in 4/6. 

Spoke to Roger about 16mm stuff! 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Adjusted a few bits today. All of Tuesday's T6 screenings were ever so slightly off, so I adjust them all. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?: There's a poster for Lashae in the booth. I'll give it to her when I see her next. 

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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