NPP Projection Close 9/30 + Admin 10/1

To do this evening/ was completed: The cable connection to the Trees projector is not working currently. It's something with the cable that runs from 4/6 down to Trees through the ceiling I believe. I tested the Digital Link input and the HDMI-over-ethernet transmitter separately and they are both working fine. I've reached out to DMS about this since we believe it was them who set this up initially. -Alec

Gotham Shorts programs went smoothly. Mics returned to T2 booth.

New V2 DCPs of Gender Reveal, Sydney and Kim, City of Dreams and Blue Moon Angels ingested to T1. Girl Blunt ingested to T1 as well. Double-checked to make sure all shorts for New Voices program are on T1 server--they are. I Used To Be A Woman on T3 server, so tomorrow's tech should be good to go.

DCP link for I Used To Be A Woman... came through this afternoon. Downloaded and currently ingesting to T3.

New letters up on the marquee, brunch and 35mm.

Tech'd Henry and The Borrower, volumes logged, lights up info logged.

Projectors ready for Henry tonight, framing and focus set.

TMS scheduled for the coming week.

ABC_V3 and Halloween_V1.2 preshow content downloaded and ingested. SE playlists built and initialed on trailer list doc. Uncropped will likely need adjustment.

Louder Than You Think ingested to T1.

CRU Drive DCP for Nightmare on Elm Street arrived. Ingested to TMS.

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Chenelle handed the Home Alone 2 blu-ray off to me, for a private event on Sunday. This has been ripped and is converting to DCP on the booth 1 Mac, directly to the DCPIII drive. -Alec

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Reminder about outgoing prints: Sony prints will always get picked up by a local courier since their depot is in NY. Arrange this with David Jennings. DHL handles shipping of Universal prints. Check the cans/boxes, they should have the corresponding logo if it's a studio print (obviously if we loaned a print from an archive or a collector this doesn't apply). 
Wild Things was accidentally given to DHL and it's a Sony print. I've connected DHL with David from Sony, DHL will redirect Wild Things to the Sony depot when it lands in LAX. -Alec

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Ordered replacement APC batteries for the units in T1 and T7. -Alec

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?: Took down both Saturday Night posters since we're not booking this title. Put up Anora and Venom 3 instead. Also took down Blink Twice since that's no longer showing, replaced with Heretic and a coming soon snipe.

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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