NPP Projection Report 1/17 Admin

To do this evening/ was completed: New forecasts and preshow content downloaded and ingested. A1 1/24 PG playlists built. We are waiting on an SE trailer for the Denzel series that will play in the R-rated trailer packs, it's not available yet so I did not build any R-rated playlists, as you'd have to remove the incomplete trailer pack and add it a second time once the missing content is available. So those will get built soon.

Tech'd Nosferatu event content with Desmond. All set. Tested the lightboard settings, all good. Run of show doc updated.

Added cue sheet info for Clue and Thieves Like Us - Lillian

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): 

Ordering/Receiving (content): 
I see North by NorthWest is ingesting to the T1 server but I've got it ingesting to the LMS since we'll need it there anyway, and to build the playlist. - L

Received the folder of files for NoBudge 43 from Desmond. I have downloaded almost all of them to a folder on the desktop and have the first short, Nadir, transcoding to a NoBudge43 folder on the preshows/trailers drive. This'll take a couple hours due to computer activity. Keep your eyes on it, please! I reached out to Desmond about two of the shorts to see if they've got other files since the quality seems a little too low. Update: they're on it with sending new files! - Lillian 

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Tech'd the preshow and adjusted volume for the DCP of Wolf Man - it's pretty hot. the 7.1 track is great, but I brought the film down to 5.0 - plenty loud. Went through the prints Killer Klowns and Evil Dead 2 with Cristina, along with the DCP of Dark Angel, which looks great! The quality is better than expected. Info for the prints on their white cards. Dark Angel playlist has been updated. - Lillian 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Replaced the IMCB (Integrated Motor Control Board) for the ILS (Intelligent Lens System) controls in Theater 6. This worked and gave us ILS controls back. I reset all the channels I adjusted to keep the lens in the scope position when the ILS wasn't working, and checked all the other DCP channels since I moved the projector a bit today. -AL

Heard about an issue with the Trees projector. From the description we were given it sounded like the projector was turning itself off and had to be continually turned back on, but I don't think this was happening. I checked it today and it stayed on fine, however anything from Plex would play for 30-ish seconds then freeze with a popup briefly appearing saying our connection to the server is too slow to stream the file. This was likely the issue being described. I figured the connection wasn't actually too slow (I was playing a low quality file) and ultimately restarting the 4/6 iMac did the trick. Things are playing normally now. -AL

Changed the sconce on the lefthand side in T7. Looking nice and bright. Ran through the lighting cues.  - Lillian 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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