
Showing posts from September, 2019

Projection report 9/30 (Close)

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: built playlist for Joker, scheduled it for Thursday's shows. Content has been sent out to projectors for these shows.  note: because the 10min portion of the Joker playlist has not uploaded to EVO yet, I placed a generic preshow segment in its place. When we get the last part of the Joker preshow please just swap it in. Trailer Updates: grabbed trailer for Jojo Rabbit, sent it to all projectors. The current Trailmix does not have Marriage Story on it. Special Events/ AV set up: Akira in theater 1. This looked & sounded really good. A big and enthusiastic crowd. No problems. (I've left Akira on projector 1 so we can do a staff screening on Friday — please don't delete it) Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): we should order a poster for Where's My Roy Cohn if they're available Ordering/Receiving (content): ingested keys for Joker. They open at 12:01am on Thursday. ** waiting on Where's M...

Projection report 9/30 Admin

Presentation Issues: Had lights up at the start of the Downton Abbey feature in the all ages screening. Turned them down right away. See below for additional info. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Kris mentioned he updated the 10 minute Joker preshow file in EVO, though at the time of this writing it hadn't appeared. Might still be uploading so keep an eye out? Trailer Updates: Regarding trailer packs, all ages screenings are no longer "lights up" through trailers, as per Matthew today. Changed "house lights mid" cue to "house lights down" in all ages trailer pack at the beginning of first run trailers. *Just to confirm - for all ages screenings, we still use adult trailers for adult movies and all ages trailers for all ages movies, correct? That's how this week is currently set up. If that's not the case, Dylan would you please update the trailer packs for tomorrow? Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ord...

Projection Report 9/29 Close

Presentation Issues: None. No problems with lighting cues all night, this weekend had playlists for theaters 1 and 2 which kept the cleaning lights up at the start of preshow and the lights up during trailers so I think that is what caused the confusion. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built and scheduled the playlist for Villains . Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested The Beach House to TMS. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Night of the Comet is all set to be shipped out. Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow, no issues. Marquee updated?: Up to date Posters updated?: Up to date Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors off for the night?: Yes Projection cart by TH5?: Yes Nest: Additional Notes: There's a warning on the TMS home page that our licens...

Projection report 9/29 (Open)

Presentation Issues: We've been having trouble with the lighting cues all day. The cues are not firing about half the time — consistently in 1 and 2. I ran lights manually through the Macro in TMS whenever this popped up and they fired fine. Not sure when they're not striking from the playlists themselves. Probably worth power cycling the processors at some point. I have filled Alec in on this. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): began downloading The Beach House feature from EVO Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: spot checked Akira before we opened. The volume definitely sounds good at 5.5 — everything should be ready for tomorrow Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Marquee updated?: removed Snoopy from the north side marquee Posters updated?: Cleaning li...

Projection report 9/28 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Lots of manual starts today! Otherwise a very straightforward day. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: I was not able to QC  Akira  in TH1, because there were some guests still seated after the last round. The playlist looks good to go, if someone can just double check the volume and credits time tomorrow we should be all set for Monday. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed for tomorrow. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/28 Open

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built All Ages playlists for Downton Abbey and Abominable  both with the shorter preshow and the regular. Scheduled the short preshows for tomorrow morning and the regular for the first round throughout the week. Built and scheduled an All Ages playlist for Ad Astra on Tuesday as well. -Ingested preshow for  Akira to TMS. Also ingested (most of) the Joker preshow, except the "10min" segment is missing files ("ASSETMAP" and "VOLINDEX") so I couldn't ingest it. -Built the playlist for Akira (with the Japanese audio/English subtitled DCP), and scheduled it. Just want to point out that the assigned preshow is 43 minutes altogether, with the house half portion being 34 minutes. This means that if we start this show at 7:00 the house will go dark at 7:34, four minutes after the ticketed showtime. Should we start it a few minutes earlier or leave it be and input the longer preshow in the cue sheet? ...

Projection Report 9/27 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built and scheduled playlist for Bell Book & Candle . Also ingested keys for BB&C and  Akira,  and new keys for Downton Abbey . Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received poster for Midway . Ordering/Receiving (content): Received drive for Joker . Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: QC'd Bell Book & Candle , added volume and credits cues. (There are barely any end credits.) Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed thru tomorrow.  BB&C  is longer than indicated because of the preshow. Unfortunately I couldn't create a Minus10 playlist because the All of Them Witches PS is one single 30-minute segment. Alec, if you could skip the first 10 mins of preshow, that would be great. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleanin...

Projection Report 9/27 Admin

Lots of notes today, this weekend is somewhat unusual so please take heed and read to the end! Presentation Issues: The first screening of It Chapter 2 in theater 7 did not respond to the masking cues. The breaker for the theater outlets had been flipped by our good buddies the electricians and was not reflipped when they left. My bad for not checking in after them.. When I flipped the breaker, the house lights also came up, but we killed them shortly after. Sorry about that. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Karen built and teched SE_Snoopy for the brunch show tomorrow. I updated the Abominable playlists with louder volume cues for the studio trailers, which were a touch quiet during the first round. *Karen deleted old first run playlists, as well as plus10 and plus15 playlists from last week, to clean up the playlist load for this weekend. **Started transferring PS_BR_Witches for Bell Book and Candle from EVO, should be done tonight. Daniel, can you please inject this into the pl...

Projection Report 9/26 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built playlists with shorter preshows for Mascha's request for the weekend, these are labelled "minus10." -Scheduled out the rest of the week with all available content except for the opening rounds this weekend. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Chef Birthday Party screening in Theater 6. The film ended up starting about 5 minutes late so there was a brief moment with nothing on screen as I cued up extra preshow, other than that it went smoothly. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): Downloaded the DCP for 1BR from Filemail. It's going very slowly and should be done early tomorrow morning. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow, all set. Marquee updated?: Took down Goldfinch and Brittany Runs a Marath...

ML admin 9/26

Presentation Issues: Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built and scheduled playlist for Chef (Jeff's b-day party), updated all first run playlist preshows for tomorrow. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Did a full run through of Chef for the event later in th6. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for Joker  and Abominable . Ordering/Receiving (content): Received Bell Book and Candle , ingested to TMS. Received + ingested  TLR_NPP_CARD_OCT_A_UPDATE_0927. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Nudged a light bulb back into place in TH3 Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Marquee updated?: Threw out some old posters and boxes Posters updated?: Put out Abominable  out front. Cleaning lights on for the night?: Projectors off for the night?: Projection cart by TH5?: Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/25 Close

Presentation Issues: Dylan mentioned that at the start of the first feature in Theater 4 today the masking didn't open to scope. This was a showing of The Goldfinch , which is flat, so the projector must have switched to scope without a cue, which is awfully strange. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built the playlist for Abominable , I used the old October card as a placeholder and did not add volume cues for studio trailers. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): House made DCP of Watership Down is transferring to the iMac desktop (at a snail's pace). Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: QC'd Abominable in Theater 2, looks and sounds great. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated for Abominable Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow, all good. I updated the second round in theater 6 for the private event. ...

Projection Report 9/25 Admin

Presentation Issues: For some unknown reason, the lamp did not turn on in Theater 4 at the beginning of round 1. I'm assuming it simply missed the cue. The server let me know and I turned the lamp on manually. No other issues. However, we should keep an eye on it to make sure it's not a persistent issue. Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates. Still waiting on new October card. Trailer Updates: None Special Events/ AV set up: Did a final QC of the content for "Overtime" and set up the mic/mixer for their Q&A. Broke everything down before I left and put it all back in 4/6. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): We received posters for Abominable . Ordering/Receiving (content): We received our DCP of Abominable , as well as the latest TrailMix. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Cue sheets are ready fo...

Projection Report 9/24 Close

Presentation Issues: We had some big problems with the lighting automation tonight in the middle round. Theaters 2 and 4 failed to activate lights automatically — in both cases this led to lights not coming on during credits, but for theatre 4 specifically it caused lights not to go down for the start of feature (It: Chapter 2). Michael and I were able to run lights manually in 2 for the dinner round of Hustlers, though. Lights never went back to manual in 4, and I ran the last round manually. We should take a look at this more closely tomorrow. (This did not seem to affect any other automation cues) Preshow Clips/Playlist: waiting on the Oct27 update for the October Card before making the new playlists ** sent Snoopy out to projector 2 *** updated the Overtime playlist tomorrow with the last clip, as well as adding black between clips, and a masking cue at the head of the playlist Trailer Updates: grabbed the Parasite and Jumanji trailers from Trailmix, sent them to all proj...

Projection Report 9/24 Admin

Presentation Issues: No issues with regard to our presentation, but we're having a bit of a problem with the TMS today. There's some kind of communication failure between the TMS and the IMSes. Sam and Michael are still troubleshooting it right now. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built and scheduled SE_Overtime for the private event tomorrow. Trailer Updates: No updates Special Events/ AV set up: Arrived early to set up the rental in TH3. Went off without any issues. Also tested the  Chef blu-ray in TH6 for the event on Thursday. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for The Marriage Story , Harriet , and Dark Waters . All are in 3/7. Dylan P, please organize these if you get a chance tonight. Ordering/Receiving (content): We received our DCP of Akira  from CineVizion. It's ingesting to the TMS now. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Inspected  Chef  in TH6 Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes. Added track...

Projection Report 9/23 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: waiting on new trailer doc to make next week's packs & playlists (film schedule was sent out earlier tonight) Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): we should order posters for Abominable tomorrow Ordering/Receiving (content): feature content we are waiting on for the next week or so — Abominable (first run), Bell Book & Candle (where is this coming from?), Akira (in house), Joker (first run). Do we have tracking or eta on any of these? Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked, updated with some upcoming titles Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Began building cue sheets for next week — Fri/Sat are built out. Still missing end cue times for Abominable and Bell Book & Candle, which are not in house yet. ** double-checked tomorrow's cue sheet — did not spot any ...

Projection Report 9/23 Admin

Presentation Issues: No issues Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates Trailer Updates: None Special Events/ AV set up: I took the HDMI transmitters from Theater 1 and moved them to Theater 3 for the private event tomorrow morning. I'll put them back in Theater 1 after it's over. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): We received the content for the other private event this Wednesday. Michael will be making them into DCPs for me to QC tomorrow. Also received Villains for next week via Eclairplay. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: Yes Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Credit times were off by a few minutes again in some spots. I updated them. Marquee updated?: No updates Posters updated?: No updates Cleaning lights on for the night?: N/a Projectors off for the night?: N/a Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7...

Projection Report 9/22 Admin

Presentation Issues: No issues tonight Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates Trailer Updates: None Special Events/ AV set up: None Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): Received return labels for Night of the Comet . Still waiting on labels for The Crow . Both should be outbound in the next couple of days. Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. There were a few rounds whose credit times were off by a minute or two, but no issues otherwise. Marquee updated?: Dylan P updated the north side before leaving. No other updates. Posters updated?: No updates. Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors off for the night?: Yes Projection cart by TH5?: Yes Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection report 9/22 (Open)

Presentation Issues: None! Smooth sailing today. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked — the end times in theater 1 were slightly off. Gil managed to update them when we first noticed. Otherwise, all good. Marquee updated?: Took Toni Morrison down from the north side, put up Akira Posters updated?: put the Ford V. Ferrari poster back in the lobby Cleaning lights on for the night?: Projectors off for the night?: Projection cart by TH5?: back in 3/7 Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/21 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Very straightforward night. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: We found a temporary solution to the handicapped seat in TH1, and there is another drill in 3/7 in the meantime. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed for tomorrow. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/21 Open

Presentation Issues: None. Pretty smooth day. A few manual starts. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tonight, seems to be good Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: added the Now Playing snipe to the Toni Morrison poster Cleaning lights on for the night?: Projectors off for the night?: Projection cart by TH5?: back in 3/7 Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/20 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Strangely, when I went to put the seat back for the final round in TH1, the wrench and bolts had been moved. The MODs and I couldn't find them anywhere. I improvised something with a few spare screws I found lying around in 4/6, but it's not a great solution (and really tricky without the wrench!) I'll keep looking tomorrow as well. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed cue sheets through Monday. I also made adjustments to the Rambo screenings throughout the week, based on Matthew's new schedule. For the 10:15pm weeknight showings, I used the Plus15 playlist, and accounted for that in the schedule. Also got credit start times for Toni Mor...

Projection report 9/20 admin

Presentation Issues: Second round of Downton didn't auto start in TH2, so went on screen a couple minutes late. Weird! Preshow Clips/Playlist: Made plus15  versions of Ad Astra, Hustlers, and Rambo  at Matthew's behest. Trailer Updates: none Special Events/ AV set up: none Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): none Ordering/Receiving (content): none Outgoing/Shipping (content): none Print/video Inspection: none Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: yes Maintenance/cleaning: threw out/archived a few posters downstairs, tidied up 3/7 a little bit. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): yes - made some alterations to the weekend's sheets to accommodate an additional Rambo show. Daniel, would you be so kind as to finish up the Rambo changes made to Mon-Thurs this evening? Marquee updated?: nope Posters updated?: Put up a poster fo r  Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am in the lobby, in place of Ford vs Ferrari. Just cause it's kind of a nice pos...

Projection report 9/19 (close)

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: PUNK THE CAPITAL with a big q&a. Playlist had been built out, some manual cues were required. All four mics, director's chairs, stage lights, etc. There were a few moments where the automation cues did not strike, but I was standing by to make the changes manually. Show ran great. Recorded the q&a to the camera, which is still in booth 1. No troubles. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked tomorrow's cues, seems to be good. Lots and lots of manual starts tomorrow. Marquee updated?: Took down Punk The Capital from the north side, replaced it with Bell Book & Candle Posters updated?: Up to date Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors ...

Projection Report 9/19 Admin

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: All playlists are built and a scheduled for the week. Trailer Updates: No updates until next week Special Events/ AV set up: Set up the camera and tested the playlist for Punk the Capital tonight. John also came in and watched it through this afternoon. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for The Lighthouse and Knives Out. Not sure if we're booking those at NPP, but the posters could definitely use some organizing if anyone has time this weekend. Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Staff screenings went well and everything is QC'd for the week. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Everything is updated to reflect the correct runtime for Rambo: Last Blood. Marquee updated?: Yes. I took down Ready or Not and Official Secrets from the front and put u...

Projection Report 9/18 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Ingested the Downton Abbey preshow and added it to the playlist. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: In Fabric in theater 1. Went great. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Did quick QC's of Punk the Capital , Ad Astra , Downton Abbey , and Rambo Last Blood .  All looking/sounding great. Updated the playlist for Punk with the credits cue and bumped the volume for Ad Astra up to 6.0. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Tried testing the 35mm projectors in 4 and 6. I couldn't get the rectifiers on in 6 for some reason, so I just tried them in 4. I couldn't test a whole reel on projector 1 because the takeup is too close to the wall so it doesn't move freely. I ran a full reel through projector 2 though and it was no problem. I didn't see any sound levels showing...

Projection Report 9/18 Admin

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: SE_InFabric is finalized for tonight. The preshow for Downton Abbey  is still downloading from EVO. Should be ready to build tonight/tomorrow morning. All other playlists for the week are built. I updated them all with the most recent October card and swapped TLR_NPP_STB_NYCC with TLR_NPP_NOTLD. Trailer Updates: Updated the adult trailer pack to reflect changes to the list (removed Lucy in the Sky trailer and added TLR_NPP_STB_NYCC) Special Events/ AV set up: Just double-checked the In Fabric  playlist for tonight in Theater 1. It's ready to go. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for Ford and Ferrari, as well as a new TrailMix for this week. Ordering/Receiving (content):  Snoopy , Come Home  arrived. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Did a quick QC of Punk the Capital for tomorrow. John Woods is also coming  here tomorrow to watch it through. As...

Projection report 9/17 (close)

Presentation Issues: None NOTE: I left projectors 1, 6, and 7 on overnight (with lamps off!) because content was still sending out to them at the end of night. Maybe give them a quick reboot in the morning. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built playlists for Rambo: Last Blood and Toni Morrison — scheduled them for Thursday through Sunday. Also began scheduling first runs for the weekend. * made a playlist for tomorrow's In Fabric screening and scheduled it. I am not completely sure I got the run of show for this playlist correct (i.e. it does not have any microphone cues, etc, built in), so if somebody could double check it in the morning that would probably be for the best. ** also made a Punk The Capital playlist based on our previous Music Driven screenings, but we don't seem to have the event listed on the trailer doc, so I'm not sure I got this one right either. Feel free to mess around with it. ** made updated '092019' playlists for all first runs (note t...

Projection Report 9/17 Admin

Presentation Issues: No issues Preshow Clips/Playlist: SE_Heathers is finalized and scheduled for tonight. Trailer Updates: No updates Special Events/ AV set up: Set up the microphone/mixer in Theater 3 for the film feast intro tonight. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for Rambo: Last Blood  and Halloween . Ordering/Receiving (content): We received DCPs of Rambo: Last Blood  and Punk the Capital . I also ordered and received Toni Morrison : The Pieces I Am . All have been ingested to the TMS. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes. Added info for Rambo  and Toni Morrison . Maintenance/cleaning: Sam from DMS has been here the last couple of days re-organizing the wires in our racks. I helped him clean up a bit and swept out Booth 4/6. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. No issues. Cue sheets for next week are finished and ready for review. Marque...

Projection Report 9/16 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Kept my eye on EVO for the Film Feast slide, but nothing showed up all night. -Sent It: Chapter Two and its preshow to screen 5 for tomorrow. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Stephen and John were here to test the DJ set-up in Hi-Res for the Music Video Time Machine event tomorrow night. Make sure you use the double XLR to 1/8" cable to connect the laptop to the bar speakers, its in the Bar/DJ bin on the top of the shelf next to the theater 6 rack. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow, all set. Marquee updated?: Up to date Posters updated?: Up to date Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors off for the night?: Yes Projection cart by TH5?: Yes Nest: Additional ...

Projection Report 9/15 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: I sent  In Fabric  to Screen 1, so it can be QC'd tomorrow. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed for Monday. Marquee updated?: Took down Olivia and put up Punk the Capital with Q&A: 9/19 . Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/15 Open

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates. Deleted SE_Olivia from the servers. Trailer Updates: No updates Special Events/ AV set up: Olivia  ran without issue in Theater 3. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. No issues. Marquee updated?: Olivia  can come down tonight. Please replace it with Punk the Capital . Posters updated?: No updates Cleaning lights on for the night?: n/a Projectors off for the night?: n/a Projection cart by TH5?: In 3/7 Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/14 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed for tomorrow. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/14 Open

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Olivia in T3. Ran itself with no problems. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Up to date Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow, all good. Marquee updated?: Up to date Posters updated?: Up to date Cleaning lights on for the night?: N/a Projectors off for the night?: N/a Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7 Nest: Additional Notes: TMS had a weird glitch where all the screens in the "overview" tab completely disappeared. No shows were affected. As soon as I clicked restart they all reappeared and everything was back to normal after the system rebooted.

Projection Report 9/13 (close)

Presentation Issues: Nothing major. I was told the Hustlers preshow in TH1 was too quiet so I turned it up a little. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Ingested preshow for Heathers to TMS. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: QC'd Heathers , and added credits, audio and masking info to the asset tracking doc. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed for tomorrow. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes: As I turned off the TH7 projector, I acknowledged a message saying the connection to IPC had been lost.

Projection Report 9/13 Admin

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Downloading Heathers preshow from EVO, please ingest it to TMS when it's done. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Just staff screenings of Hustlers and Goldfinch . No issues. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordered posters for Rambo: Last Blood Ordering/Receiving (content): Ad Astra drive arrived. The feature has been ingested to TMS. -Ingested In Fabric from EclairPlay. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Walked 4 drives over to the UPS drop off. Print/video Inspection: The Goldfinch staff screening also served as a QC of the film. The feature looks and sounds great, I just bumped up its volume in the playlist a little bit. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated info for Ad Astra, In Fabric, and Goldfinch Maintenance/cleaning: Reset the projector alignments in 7. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for today and tomorrow, no issues. Built the sheet for Thursday. Marq...

Projection Report 9/12 Full Day

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Updated and scheduled all of the A1 playlists for the week. Also built SE_Olivia for brunch this weekend. Trailer Updates: All trailer packs are updated for the week. Special Events/ AV set up: 35mm screening of The Crow  in  TH1 went great! As did the sneak preview of Downton Abbey  and the premiere of Hustlers . Unfortunately, the DJ had some technical difficulties and was not able to perform in Hi-Res. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Our posters for Hustlers  arrived! Better late than never. Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None. The Crow  and Night of the Comet  are both packed up and awaiting return labels. Print/video Inspection: None. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: Cleaned the 35mm projectors in TH1 before/after the screening. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Cue sheets for next week are fin...

Projection Report 9/11 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built and scheduled the Hustlers playlist. Built the playlist for Goldfinch as well. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): New Trail Mix came Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: QC'd Hustlers in T2. Looks and sounds great. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated with tracking for Ad Astra Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, all good except the  Downton playlist hasn't been built yet so it isn't on the scheduler. Marquee updated?: Added Hustlers to the front and took down Blinded by the Light Posters updated?: Replaced Blinded by the Light with Hustlers Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors off for the night?: Yes Projection cart by TH5?: Yes Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/11 Admin

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates yet. Still waiting for the Hustlers  preshow to download from EVO. Trailer Updates: No updates yet. Just got the list from Kris. Content is downloading from EVO. Special Events/ AV set up: None. Everything is set for The Crow  tomorrow. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): I picked up a poster for Hustlers  from NWB since ours still haven't shown. Ordering/Receiving (content): Downton Abbey  is being overnighted by CineVizion. I will QC it as soon as it arrives. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None. Keys for  Hustlers  activate tonight. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Cue sheets for next week are ready for review. Marquee updated?: No updates. Hustlers  can go up on the front tonight. Posters updated?: Hustlers  poster can go up out front with a "...

Projection Report 9/10 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Gundam in T1 with intro/raffle. Just used one wireless mic which is now back in the charging port in the booth. Show ran smoothly! -Turkuaz Concert film in T2 with intro and Q&A. Went smoothly, huge thanks to Michael for all the prep he did and for running the intro/Q&A at the stage. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Did a quick QC of Olivia in T3. Looks great and sounds good with the volume at 5.5. No credits. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, all good. Marquee updated?: Put The Crow back up and replaced Gundam with Olivia Posters updated?: Up to date Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors off for the night?: Yes Projection cart by TH5?: Yes Nest: Additi...

Projection Report 9/9 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Night of the Comet 35mm in Theater 1, with an introduction. Intro was recorded and mics/cables are back in bins in 4/6. No issues with projecting the print either, it's back on the shipping reels and boxed up waiting for a return label. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Grabbed credits times for Gundam , updated the cue sheet. The timecode for the credits is written down on a piece of paper on the desk in 4/6 since the playlist hasn't been built yet. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, no problems. Marquee updated?: Took down Night of the Comet and replaced it with The Crow Posters updated?: Put up Joker outside in place of A Hidden Life Cleaning lights on for the...

Projection Report 9/9 Admin

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates Trailer Updates: I removed TLR_SE_UpAllNite from the adult trailer packs and replaced it with TLR_SE_TheCrow. I also replaced TLR_SE_TheCrow in the adult playlist preshows with TLR_SE_PunkTheCapital. Special Events/ AV set up: I had a tech in TH2 with Turkuaz for tomorrow. Had a couple technical issues with the DCP to work out, but everything went fine. Also, ran a couple reels of Night of the Comet  in TH1 (just to check) and removed as much of the dust as I could from the print. It's a grimy one! Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received posters for The Joker . They're still in their tube in 3/7 for now. Ordering/Receiving (content): Received our DCP of Hustlers  and ingested it to the TMS. Outgoing/Shipping (content): I walked 6 of our old DCPs down to UPS to send out. Forgot to bring The Last Unicorn  though! I put it on the outgoing shelf for next time. Print/video Inspection: Se...

Projection Blog 9/8 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: I noticed that the Up All Nite PS for  Night of the Comet  was not in scheduler or on TMS, so I started downloading it from EVO into a new folder on the desktop. It should be ready to go for tomorrow. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow. No issues, except for the Night of the Comet PS, which is downloading now. Marquee updated?: Took down Last Unicorn and added Mobile Suit Gundam F91 with Intro: 9/10 . Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes: I acknowledged another light warning for the TH3 projector.

Projection Report 9/8 Open

Presentation Issues: No issues Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates Trailer Updates: No updates until tomorrow. Special Events/ AV set up: Nothing special other than The Last Unicorn , which went well. I've deleted it from the TMS. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, no issues. Marquee updated?: Please swap The Last Unicorn  with Gundam  tonight. Posters updated?: No updates Cleaning lights on for the night?: n/a Projectors off for the night?: n/a Projection cart by TH5?: back in 3/7 Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/7 (close)

Presentation Issues: The fire alarm went off in the middle of the last round, and everyone left the theater. Most of the films paused on their own and the lights turned on, but for some reason I had to pause and get lights for 1 and 2 manually. Before re-seating I kicked back all the films a few minutes, but it took a while to re-set all the lighting panels in each booth. I apologize for this - I had to run all over the theater doing each one individually. Thank you Dylan for talking me through this. Eventually we got all the theaters up and running. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow. No issues. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Project...

Projection Report 9/7 Open

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: The Last Unicorn in T2. Went well! Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): We got an email from Warner Bros. requesting that we program a trailer for Birds of Prey before It: Chapter 2. I ingested the trailer but am holding off on adding it to the playlist for now. Ordering/Receiving (content): Hustlers drive is on its way, no tracking yet but it should be delivered by Tuesday. Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Up to date Maintenance/cleaning: Billy mentioned that when executing masking cues in theaters 4 and 6 we should use "quick controls," and not the "macro execution" page since there's an issue with the relay when we fire the cue that way. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, all good. Marquee updated?: Up to date Posters updated?: Up to date Cl...

Projection Report 9/6 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: QC'd Last Unicorn in TH2, got credits start time, and added a cue for that. Also bumped the volume cue down to 5.0. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes - updated with Last Unicorn. Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked. Removed first screenings in 4/6 from scheduler (as per Michael's email) and added credits start time for Last Unicorn. Marquee updated?: Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/6 Admin/Open

Presentation Issues: None so far Preshow Clips/Playlist:  Deleted old show playlists. -Updated all show playlists with the new NPP September card. Trailer Updates: None Special Events/ AV set up: None Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordered posters for Hustlers , Frozen 2 , Star Wars , and Joker.  -There's a new number for ordering Warner Bros. posters, it's  855-594-5374. Added to the PW cheat sheet in the iMac notes app as well. Ordering/Receiving (content): The Goldfinch DCP arrived, it's been ingested to TMS. Outgoing/Shipping (content): The  Once Upon a Time in Hollywood print was picked up this morning! -Jess picked up the Freaks & Geeks Documentary drives Print/video Inspection: Ran about half of Night of the Comet in Theater 1. No issues with it. I timed the credits and updated the cue sheet. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated for The Goldfinch. Maintenance/cleaning: Updated the white board. ...

Projection Blog 9/5 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: 2001 in TH1. From what I was able to see, it seemed to go very well. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): I broke down the plattered print of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood , labeled the reels, and left them in the metal cans down in Booth 1. Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow. I noticed that the late showing of Brittany Runs a Marathon in TH5 (labeled as a 10:00 manual start on the cue sheets) is actually in scheduler from 10:32pm-12:56am. I left it for now in case there's a reason for this, but I know it will need to be a manual start tomorrow regardless. Marquee updated?: Took down 2001 and added Night of the Comet with Gilbert Gottfried: 9/9 . Posters updated?: Cleaning light...

Projection Report 9/5 Admin

Presentation Issues: Theater 2 was set to "Loop" somehow, which caused Lion King to load for the second round instead of It Chapter 2. I was alerted to this and corrected the issue as quickly as possible. There were no other issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: SE_2001 is finalized with new masking and aspect ratio cues. Trailer packs and A1 playlists are also updated. I also built and scheduled SE_LastUnicorn for the weekend. Trailer Updates: Trailer packs are all updated! Please note that there are two distinct Adult trailer packs this week. Special Events/ AV set up: Continued Tech for 2001 today. Looks great! All ready for the sold out show tonight. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: 2001 (see above) Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: None Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Cue sheets are ready to go for the week. ...

Projection Report 9/4 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Freaks & Geeks Doc with intro & Q&A in theater 1. Went well, mics are back in booth 1 charging, director chairs are back in the hallway, and the camera is in 4/6. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Night of the Comet 35mm print. Pretty good condition-- colors are faded, it's a bit dirty/scratchy, and has an old smell that's not quite vinegar. Should be OK for projection. - The Crow 35mm print. It's in excellent condition! Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, all good. Marquee updated?: Took down Angry Birds 2 and put up It: Chapter Two on the front. Took down Freaks & Geeks Documentary  from the north side and replaced it with The Last Unicorn. ...

Projection Report 9/3 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Trivia in HiRes. Went well, and everything's back in bins in 4/6. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordered posters for  Official Secrets. Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested the DCP of 2001 with original "unrestored" audio. I also noticed that this is a flat DCP, despite the aspect ratio being 2.20:1. This will look kind of like Midsommar does, but with bigger black bars above and below the image. This was the situation with Apollo 11 , if anyone can remember that far back. The DCP included a framing chart which I also ingested and sent to Theater 2 in case we decide to make a new macro and temporarily swap out the masking setting we use for 1.78:1 for this screening, which I think would be a good idea especially for this particular movie. The framing chart is named "FramingChart_TST_F220..." -Ingested  Official Secrets  from EclairPlay. ...

Projection Report 9/3 Admin

Presentation Issues: The first screening in Theater 7 today froze during the trailer for The Goldfinch. I ejected/reloaded the playlist which fixed the issue. There was a 5 minute delay, but otherwise no issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: I built and scheduled the final version of SE_FreaksAndGeeks for tomorrow night. PS_SE_FreaksAndGeeks cuts somewhat abruptly to the logo slide (for the intro), so I added 5 seconds of black in between to soften it a bit. Trailer Updates: No updates Special Events/ AV set up: Trivia is tonight. They need the projector/screen set up, a mic + XLR, and a 3.5mm to XLR for their laptop connection. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Did a full tech of Freaks and Geeks: The Documentary  this morning in Theater 1 with Liz. The playlist is all set for tomorrow. I'll set up the camera for recording the Q&A before we open tomorrow. As...

Projection Report 9/2 Close

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, all good. Marquee updated?: Up to date Posters updated?: Up to date Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes Projectors off for the night?: Yes Projection cart by TH5?: Yes Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/1 (close)

Presentation Issues: No issues. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked and confirmed for tomorrow. Marquee updated?: Added 2001: A Space Odyssey and changed the marquee poem. Unfortunately we're all out of Y's, so I had to skip the word "youthful" in the second line. (Every synonym I thought could work also had a Y.) If anyone has any suggestions for other adjectives that would be great. Or if it can wait a few days, I can just add "youthful" once 2001 comes down Thursday night. Posters updated?: Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes. Projectors off for the night?: Yes. Projection cart by TH5?: Yes. Nest: Additional Notes:

Projection Report 9/1 Open

Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: No updates. Just deleted the old A1 playlists. Trailer Updates: No updates until Thursday Special Events/ AV set up: No events other than Dirty Dancing , which went fine. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None Ordering/Receiving (content): None Outgoing/Shipping (content): None Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: I ran some film on P1 and P2 in Theater 1 for about an hour before it opened per Michael's request. No issues. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. No cue sheet issues. Marquee updated?: Dirty Dancing  can come down tonight. Please replace with 2001 : A Space Odyssey . The marquee poem also needs to be changed. Please refer to my e-mail from earlier this week. Posters updated?: No updates Cleaning lights on for the night?: N/a Projectors off for the night?: n/a Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7 Nest: Additiona...