Projection report 9/30 (Close)
Presentation Issues: None Preshow Clips/Playlist: built playlist for Joker, scheduled it for Thursday's shows. Content has been sent out to projectors for these shows. note: because the 10min portion of the Joker playlist has not uploaded to EVO yet, I placed a generic preshow segment in its place. When we get the last part of the Joker preshow please just swap it in. Trailer Updates: grabbed trailer for Jojo Rabbit, sent it to all projectors. The current Trailmix does not have Marriage Story on it. Special Events/ AV set up: Akira in theater 1. This looked & sounded really good. A big and enthusiastic crowd. No problems. (I've left Akira on projector 1 so we can do a staff screening on Friday — please don't delete it) Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): we should order a poster for Where's My Roy Cohn if they're available Ordering/Receiving (content): ingested keys for Joker. They open at 12:01am on Thursday. ** waiting on Where's M...