
Showing posts from March, 2020

Thursday 3/12 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: -Carried out scheduled Ingests and deletions. Presentation Issues: See video inspection. Preshow Clips/Playlist: -Added cues to Raging Bull. - Altered our adult trailer packs, removed trailer for Quiet Place II as this film now lacks a release date, replaced it with trailer for Black Widow. Couldn't find tech notes for this trailer, have it playing at 4.2. It will probably be delayed too anyhow. -Please delete all 030620 labeled SPls, I  only got to it after turning off most projectors. Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up: - Where Does a Body End 's Q+A went well, cleared off all related content save the Music Driven preshow I didn't know if we hang onto that for the next MD event. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): -Removed 1917, Call of the Wild, Sonic + Wendy  from TMS. Keeping their CRU drives on site per Matthew and Karen. The 191...

3/12 ADMIN/OPEN. Karen

To do this evening/ was completed: -Delete Wendy , 1917 , Call of the Wild, and Sonic and their playlists and their individual pre-shows clips (we need to start deleting these during our IMS deletions, the playlists are nothing, these are what take up space)   off the TMS and any IMS where they are for today after they are finished for the night -I already went through and deleted everything from the individual IMS's left over from this week as some of the houses were over 90% full when I got in (undeleted pre-show clips, among other things, was the culprit) so no need to worry about that. -Ingest Lost Girls after the TMS deletions and send to TH3 for me to tech tomorrow morning (the keys don't open until 1 am tonight) -After the 1st round you can take 1917  and Call of the Wild off the front marquee, unfortunately both Sonic and Wendy have late night round screenings tonight. -I have pulled letters aside for Swallow, The Hunt, The Invisible Man , and Lost Girls ...

3/11 Close, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built playlists for next week. Raging Bull and Lost Girls are missing the features. -Scheduled through Wednesday 3/18 ( QP2 trailer comes off on Thursday 3/19), except for Lost Girls and Raging Bull . -Rescheduled tomorrow with new playlists without The Hunt trailer. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Fantastic Fungi . Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Teched Swallow, The Invisible Man, and The Hunt . Updated playlists and asset tracking. Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Maintenance/cleaning: Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Tomorrow looks good. Marquee updated?: Took down Seven Stages and put up Leprechaun on the 14th street side. Added The Hunt to the front. Posters updated?: Changed the snipe above The Hunt to now showing. Cleaning ligh...

Wednesday 3/11 Open

To do this evening/ was completed: Invisible Man can be checked this evening after midnight. Presentation Issues: Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Overtime was back for another round. All went well. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):Received posters for Swallow and Invisible Man. Ordering/Receiving (content): Received Fantastic Fungi, The Invisible Man, and   a new trail mix. Received keys for Swallow, Parasite, Portait, and Once Were Brothers. Ingested all keys and Invisible Man . *Ingested Lost Girls 20 and 40 count preshows. Just waiting on Quiet Place 2 preshows and looks like we'll be all set for next week. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Vox/Showtime content can be returned to the host, hit up Deanna if you need shipping info. Print/video Inspection: None Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes Maintenance/cleaning: Did a disinfecting pass around the booths. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):Yes, t...

Tuesday 3/10 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: -Carried out IMS deletions and additions via scheduler. Presentation Issues: None, smooth busy night. Preshow Clips/Playlist:N/A Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up: -Michael Ran our big ol event in T2 and hi res while I aided as best as I could. Whole thing went swimmingly. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A Ordering/Receiving (content): -Brought in KDM for The Invisible Man and Fantastic Fungi,   there is only one kdm file for Fungi and it's name only mentions "Screen1" whereas the film will live exclusively on Screen 2 but I'm guessing this is more to do with the small nature of the movie's release than any oversight in scheduling. -KDM also arrived for Lost Girls and The Hunt but I only caught their arrival as I was headed out the door after I had powered the servers down so they failed to ingest. The ZIP files can be found in the downloads folder in finder under the names "Lost ...

3/10 Admin, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: - Clear Rebecca and Showtime content and playlists after they screen. -Schedule Seven Stages and Where Does a Body End in T1 after Rebecca is off. -After Rebecca comes off of TMS, ingest The Hunt and Swallow and send them to T6 to be teched when keys open tomorrow night. Swallow is on Eclair. -Keys for Invisible Man and The Hunt are being delivered tonight. -IMS deletions on the whiteboard for today. -Strike the Showtime marquee rental and put up Where Does a Body End? and Prince Achmed . -Michael, there is a short list of admin tasks posted on the whiteboard. Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: All new preshow content we are waiting for this week is listed on the whiteboard above the 4/6 desk. It is expected tomorrow AM. -Ingested Generic Action 40min preshow (for The Hunt ) and the whole Generic Horror preshow (for Invisible Man, Swallow, and QP2 ) from the Projection Mac Server. Trailer Updates: Trail...

Monday 3/9 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist:N/A Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up: -Our NYCFC event went off without a hitch in T1, had to do a little live volume adjusting throughout but otherwise A-ok. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A Ordering/Receiving (content): -Cru Drive containing The Hunt came in from Cinevizion. Outgoing/Shipping (content): -Deleted all NYCFC content from our system. -Secret Garden still awaits pickup. Print/video Inspection:N/A Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: -Created Slots for The Invisible Man, Swallow + Fantastic Fungi, added some info for The Hunt. - Don't know where to find a lot of info for Cinevizion titles aside from scrolling through their webpage to see what's listed. Is everything via email with them? We need KDM info for T he Hunt, which would be good to get tech'd tomorrow with all these new films (hooray!) we have coming in. Maintena...

3/9 Admin, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: Clear the NYCFC playlist and content off TMS and T1 after the event. Take the NYCFC marquee advert down and put up "Showtime Black Monday Advance Screening" Start building cue sheets when the weekly film schedule is sent out DHL may be coming to pick up the print of The Secret Garden . I called Cinevizion about delivery for The Hunt , they said the drive would arrive today. It had not arrived when I left. If it doesn’t show up this evening I’ll check with them again tomorrow. Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Playlists are complete and scheduled for all events this week, except for Seven Stages and Where Does a Body End? which both can be scheduled Tuesday night (after Rebecca ). -Built, teched, and scheduled the Hawks w/ Babies playlist of Emma . Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Teched the mic setup in T1 for the private event tonight. The only change I made was raising the gain on all 4 mic ...

3/9 Admin, Alec

o do this evening/ was completed: Clear the NYCFC playlist and content off TMS and T1 after the event. Take the NYCFC marquee advert down and put up "Showtime Black Monday Advance Screening" Start building cue sheets when the weekly film schedule is sent out. Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Playlists are complete and scheduled for all events this week, except for  Seven Stages  and  Where Does a Body End?  which both can be scheduled Tuesday night (after  Rebecca ). -Built, teched, and scheduled the Hawks w/ Babies playlist of  Emma . Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Teched the mic setup in T1 for the private event tonight. The only change I made was raising the gain on all 4 mic to +5 (from -10) on the Shure mixer since the mics were quiet on the Mic input on the CP750. I also spot checked the playlist and made a few minor changes. Printed out projectionist relevant info from the event memo. Ordering/Receivi...

Sunday 3/8 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: -Carried Out IMS deletions as scheduled save for deleting Brothers and Portrait from T7 as no tix were sold the the final round in that room and so I had powered down the server before going about deleting anything. Also means the 6:15 3/10 Wendy still needs to be removed from scheduler. Sorry bout that. Presentation Issues: -Hate to go back to this but I checked on T3 while PS was up and the clip from A New Leaf  in the Generic Romance 40 was really quite loud. Sarah B who was serving in there was kind enough to ear check for me as I adjusted it, 3.3 turned out to be ideal. I know we've tried a number of things regarding preshow volumes but people needed to borderline shout in there to be heard. Preshow Clips/Playlist: -Meant to build a baby-friendly Emma  for tuesday but couldn't get new SPLs to save. I'm having TMS reboot as I leave the building which I assume will fix this as usual. Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV...

3/8 Open, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: -IMS deletions listed for today on the whiteboard -Strike the birthday rental from the 15th street marquee and put up NYCFC Shorts. -Please delete the 6:15 schedule of Wendy in T7 for Tuesday 3/10 when all of the content from the playlist is finished loading. This is the only show of this title in 7 for the week and it is a manual start. Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Scheduled movies for Monday through Thursday. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: The 35mm screening of Secret Garden went well. I checked focus on both projectors with a test loop and also ran the first reel on P2 before preshow. The focus on P2 was very uneven, the best you could get was the middle in focus with the sides very blurry, or vice versa. It definitely didn't look like that when we teched it on Wednesday. I loosened the gate a hair which resolved the focus issue but brought the horizontal jitter back slightly. I figured this wa...

Saturday 3/7 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: Presentation Issues: All was well. Preshow Clips/Playlist:N/A Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/AV set up:N/A Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A Ordering/Receiving (content):N/A Outgoing/Shipping (content):No IMS deletions tonght. Print/video Inspection:N/A Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: -Nothing new on this saturday. Maintenance/cleaning: -Spent a lot of time in theatres tonight as the day allowed for a lot of that. Everything seems to be running very well, no misalignment or making screeches to be heard. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, tomorrow looks fine. Marquee updated?: -Put up the Sohn rental, in the center of the 15th st side, across 4 lines. Didn't see anything detailing spacing preference. Posters updated?:N/A Cleaning lights on for the night?:Yes Projectors off for the night?:Yes Projection cart by TH5?:Yes Nest: Additional Notes: Sorry for the light blog, but ...

OPEN 3/7, Karen

To do this evening/ was completed: - Most important thing to do tonight - MARQUEE RENTAL On the 15th st. side , strike everything and put up " Happy 80th Patricia Cottingham Sohn,  a Brooklyn original since 1940!" I would insert the line break between Sohn and A **This is due to be up before Alec gets in tomorrow and needs to go up after last round starts today. So if you get to nothing else... Presentation Issues: -Secret Garden went as well as it could. We did get one customer complaint about the focus issue on P2. -I did come in and try Reel 1 on both projectors before showtime to check if Michael's adjustments solved all our problems. I was also able to refocus the lenses and remask both projectors. I held off on swapping lenses out since any result of that would not help me for today's presentation and I was running short on time. - The good news: the adjustments that Michael made to the tension bands and the studio guides in the trap of P2 eliminate...

3/6 Close, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: Presentation Issues: Almost...  Portrait was not ingested to T2 for the 7:15 show tonight. This is partly on me since I deleted this feature from T2 last night because, at this point, it had no showtimes in T2 for this week. Since today's swap made this round in T2 a manual start the playlist must not have been added to the schedule, so the feature never loaded in. I caught this before the first round Wendy finished and started ingesting the feature about an hour ahead of the showtime. For preshow I just played Spotify in the theater and the feature was done ingesting in time to put the trailers on at 7:20. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built playlists for Vox, Overtime, Where Does a Body End? , Seven Stages , and Rebecca (missing the feature). Added the shorts to the NYCFC playlist as well. -Noticed when loading the playlist in T2 that the Portrait playlist had the all ages trailer pack. The "Hey Kids" PSA really gives off a weird v...

ADMIN/OPEN 3/6 Karen

To do this evening/ was completed: -Alec, I forgot to mention  that there are things in the amazon box in booth 3/7 that need to be taken up to 4/6 -35mm subwoofer level down on P1 and P2 in TH1 as per Dave Berti's instructions -update marquee changes/IMS deletions for the week on whiteboard Presentation Issues: -None Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: -We have all the content for NYCFC, Vox, Overtime. Overtime content still needs teching. -Staff screenings went well. Chris did a good job running Secret Garden. -Michael and I took note of a few problems in our 35mm projectors in TH1 with the sound and focus/image stabilization on P2. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): -Lost Girls came in, hold to ingest as the keys don't open until Friday morning. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: -NYCFC content teched, slides made for all private events -7 Stages to Bliss wat...

3/5 Close, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: The Prince Achmed trailer was in the preshow for some playlists as well as the trailer pack, I removed it from preshow and added the 1 minute welcome slide where applicable. It is still in lights down trailers on all playlists. The Wendy playlist was missing the lights down cue at the end of preshow as well. -Updated the CatVid playlist and renamed it as SE since it is only playing weekend brunch. -Scheduled movies for Saturday and Sunday. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: STB in T1 and the pre-party in Hi-Res. Everything in T1 was already set up when I got here. To help matters even more the first round Sonic was an empty house so I checked everything when I got in, so the set-up before the show went extra smooth. In Hi-Res it was just a matter of setting up the laptop to the projector and bar speakers, and setting up a mic. No issues with either event, everything is packed a...

ADMIN 3/5 Karen

To do this evening/ was completed: -I'm running home early to sick kiddos. Michael stayed for opening. Sorry I got a little less done today, Alec! I sent you a pretty lengthy Spoons email but don't hesitate to call if you have questions! -Check on the download of Seven Stages and PS_MusicDriven, ingest to TMS if possible, both need to be watched through, if you can send it to TH5 in time -Please check the cue sheets for the whole of next week (I checked Friday) - for the cue sheet review tomorrow morning. I wrote in the ending time differences on the printed film schedule for reference. -schedule the movies for Sat and Sun -Delete all you can at closing -change snipes/marquee for new cinema week -continue teching Where's a Body End? (it is also sitting in TH5 - first one out tonight) from 01:10:00 (it is just over 2 hrs long) don't worry about masking presentation, as it is showing in TH1. When I watched it in there with the 1.78 lens and masking, it looked ...

Wednesday 3/4 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: Presentation Issues: -When teching Where Does a Body End  in T5 it is apparent that the 1.78 masking leaves a decent sized black border on both sides when used in combo with the 1.78 lens file. Oddly the usually noticeable keystoning in T5 is nearly non-existent when the lens is set for 1.78 whereas one would think it would be more severe with a boxier image like that? Preshow Clips/Playlist: -Built out Wendy.  Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up: Karen and I figured out the volume issue in hi-res, was indeed that the volume on the projector itself had been turned down, assumedly for Karaoke. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A Ordering/Receiving (content): -Did NOT bring in Seven Stages or Music Driven PS, they failed ingest and comparing file sizes on EVO and Proj Mac showed that neither was anywhere close to fully downloaded to Proj Mac. Outgoing/Shipping (content): -Walked two drives, I believe Br...

ADMIN/OPEN 3/4 (Karen & Alec)

To do this evening/ was completed: -Finish cue sheets for the week - marquee changes for the early opens -poster changes for the early opens -anytime after 6 pm, go ahead and ingest PS_MusicDriven, begin to ingest Seven Stages to Achieving Eternal Bliss from the projection mac server -I sent Where Does a Body End to TH5, can you please watch as much as you can bear/have time for. Since this is a download from a link and for a one time special event, I would like for us to watch it all the way through. Credits and runtime/lighting cues already recorded. Just make sure the file is good. Please start at 00:30:00 (that's where I left off). Let me know how far you get. Presentation Issues: -None Preshow Clips/Playlist: -ingested new MarA0304 and MarB0304 card updates, swapped these into all the playlists Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: -Tech'd The Secret Garden in its entirety. Alec and I noticed a couple things going on with P2. 1) The image is slight...

Tuesday 3/3 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: -Carried out IMS deletions. Presentation Issues: -TMS couldn't find Proj Mac Server, even after a reboot, brought in the Wendy preshow via DCP II. -Could not get HI or VI in T2 for either Wendy or Onward  which makes me thnk we may have a signal problem in there. Tried multiple receivers, CCAP works fine tho. Preshow Clips/Playlist: -Added light and volume cues to Onward & Wendy. Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up: -Trivia went well, but sound was oddly muted even with knob 8 cranked to max and the macbook in question at full blast also. Had to drive up the gain and output knobs to get a decent sound level but this meant sitting in hi-res through the whole game to turn everything down when the mic was used to prevent feedback. Possibly just my lack of experience with audio showing. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): -Got some posters and lobby cards in for The Climb.  Ordering/Receiving (content):N/...

3/5 ADMIN/OPEN, Karen

To do this evening/ was completed: -Start cue sheets for the 3/06 cinema week -Lots to tech tonight! Sent Onward  and Wendy to TH2, Once Were Brothers to TH5. Don't forget to check additional audio/ visual impairment tracks and to update Thursday's cue sheets. All keys open at midnight. -Once Wendy preshows are done downloading, send them to TH2 so you can start to take a look at them tonight. If you don't get all the way through them, note where you stopped. If there is a clip that has a lot of music or seems loud, you can adjust the volume as needed. Presentation Issues: Preshow Clips/Playlist: -Made all playlist packs for the upcoming cinema week and all A1 playlists -Made the 030520 Onward playlist, since it's a generic preshow and scheduled it for its screening in TH1 on Thursday. -Started downloading Wendy 40/20/10 preshows from EVO -Building the playlists the way it has been laid out in the trailer list for this week, All Ages pre shows will be +1...

Monday 3/2 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: -Carried out IMS deletions as scheduled. Presentation Issues: -Now that Portrait of a Lady on Fire  is regularly playing on the ground floor we might want to turn down the volume of our lobby music on slower days. So much of that movie is basically silent and I've caught wind of the music outside in T7 when passing through sometimes. Preshow Clips/Playlist: -Built a baby-friendly SPL for Portrait of a Lady on Fire.  Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up:N/A Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A, but thanks for the sheet detailing archive status, much appreciated. Ordering/Receiving (content): -Ingested Wendy  onto TMS. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Deleted Premature from our system. Print/video Inspection:N/A Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: -added KDM info for Wendy and Onward. They'll be available for teching as of 12am on 3/4. Maintenance/cleaning: -Reinspected Reel 3 and really my findi...

3/2 Admin/Open, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: Start building cue sheets when next week's film schedule is sent out. Take Premature off the marquee and put up Rebecca 3/10. Clear  Premature  off the servers and ingest  Wendy . IMS deletions listed under Tuesday 3/2 on the whiteboard can be done at the end of the night. Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Double checked the Premature playlist before opening, nothing to report. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Onward and Wendy drives came in today. Onward has been ingested, Wendy can go on tonight after Premature . We have no keys for either one yet, so please don't load onto any IMS. Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated Wendy and Onward entries. Maintenance/cleaning: Made standard 2:1 lens channels in every house for Lost Girls /general us...

Sunday 3/1 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed: -Carried out deletions as per IMS sched. Presentation Issues: - Call of the Wild seems oddly quiet in T5, despite playing at the same 5.0 as ever. Probably just me. Preshow Clips/Playlist:N/A Trailer Updates:N/A Special Events/ AV set up:N/A Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A Ordering/Receiving (content):N/A Outgoing/Shipping (content): -Packed up Brokeback Mountain . Print/video Inspection:N/A Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Nothing new. Maintenance/cleaning: -Did a practice changeover in T1 using Mulan and one of the movie tix .com bumpers, went super well, gonna do as much practice as I can in there this week with the ain of being on deck for the Secret Garden staff screening on Friday. -If nobody minds tomorrow I do a little test of myself and inspect the other reels of SG to see if I can catch anything noted on the spec sheet. -Took the trash outta T1. Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):Monday...

3/1 Open, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: IMS deletions listed under Monday 3/2 on the white board can be done at close. Presentation Issues: None. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Took a look at Karen's karaoke set-up doc. It's a thing of beauty! An excellent resource to help familiarize yourself with all the equipment ahead of working the actual event. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): It looks like Lost Girls will be a 2.00:1 aspect ratio in a 1.85 flat container. The last title we played in this format was Midsommar , and we just used the 1.85 lens file and masking. Ideally we would make new lens files for this as it's an increasingly common format, this would involve programming over the 1.78 masking stop in houses 3, 5, and 7 and since we are showing Emma , which is 1.78, it would have to be the same situation as Marriage Story and The Lighthouse  last year where each of these houses c...

2/29 Open, Alec

To do this evening/ was completed: Lens macros and masking have been behaving all day but let's keep our eyes on them. Presentation Issues: Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Saint Frances posters are in. Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Print/video Inspection: Finished inspecting The Secret Garden . The print is in good condition, though there are two splices with missing frames in reel 3. I put a piece of white tape on the base side of the film right where the foot of the Nutcracker trailer is spliced to the head of the feature, so we can thread the first reel normally then run the trailer through the projector before the show. The tape should be a visible cue as it goes through the gate to open the changeover for the start of the feature. I also re-did the splice that Chris reinforced last night. Two pieces of tape makes the film a bit too stiff. If you com...