NPP Projection Close 11/30
To do this evening/ was completed: Yes, Barking Dogs Never Bite , Strange World_25min, and R-Rated Christmas still need to be ingested Presentation Issues: Preshow Clips/Playlist: I started building the playlist for Violent Night . I also copied over the playlists for all first runs next week. I downloaded the updated Strange World preshow clip and the R-Rated Christmas Preshow Clips. They still need to be ingested and added to their respective playlists. They're already on the DCP drive, so they just need to be ingested. Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: The HBO event in Theater 1 went off nicely! The intro and Q+A's went off without any hitches, even though they pushed the intro back by 15 minutes. Chairs and mics are all broken down and put back in their places. Lights were ultimately fine for the Q&A, it seems one of the strobe settings was accidentally turned on. Ditto everything in Trees, no issues with any of the setup. Body of Evidence s...