Projection Close 4/30 Lillian

To do this evening/ was completed: Posting this a bit earlier than usual since we're cruising at this rate. Shut down T4 early since no one came in for the last round of Air . Presentation Issues: No presentation issues. Kept an eye on 3/7. Checked in on T2, no leak has resumed. Preshow Clips/Playlist: Trailer Updates: Special Events/ AV set up: Started the DCP process for the rental on 5/8 ( Wakanda Forever) . Ran through MKV, now it's processing through Handbrake. I'll check in on this tomorrow. Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordering/Receiving (content): Outgoing/Shipping (content): Jumanji is ready to get picked up. I sent an email out to John since it's a Sony situation. Print/video Inspection: Inspected The Legend of Fong Sai Yuk , which will be a very fun show, despite the fact that this print has certainly seen better days. This film looks really cool. Full report here . This is an AGFA print and they tend to come a little rough n ready, so ...