NPP Projection Close 8/31
To do this evening/ was completed: A very unpleasant night of trying to be in three places at once while troubleshooting a variety of issues; Lillian wrote in her blog about the problem with the lights in theaters 3 and 7 which, unfortunately, continued to affect these auditoriums throughout the evening and was only complicated by the private event in theater 5 (which also had its own issues) and the print in theater 1 Presentation Issues: The wall lights in theater 3 did not go fully dark during the second round despite Wyatt having flipped the breaker switch to turn off the ceiling lights (which had initially turned off the wall lights during the tests this morning following the fire alarm fiasco) so the audience watched Gran Turismo in half darkness as did guests for Barbie during the third and final round Something triggered the mute command on the sound rack to theater 7 twice this evening -- truly no idea what caused it since no one or nothing in the booth touched the button...