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To do this evening/ was completed: New Iron Claw keys uploaded. Continued downloading the last of the NSF shorts. All set for content until 2/10. Presentation Issues: Bit of a rocky evening with 32 Sounds. Jonah, the sound tech, couldn't seem to get audio into the wireless headphones and through our processor at the same time when he tried playing the feature from his laptop--he would only get it from one output. He was able to get audio into both outputs (headphones and processor) with other test clips, but not the feature. It seemed like each clip had to go through some sort of configuration individually. I could tell early on he was getting pretty flustered and he attempted many input reconfigurations within the software he was using. Nothing seemed to work, and we ended up teching audio in front of the crowd (on and off) while the preshow visuals played. I don't think it was that prominent to them though. I rewound some preshow bits once or twice to give us more time. We en...