NPP Projection Close 9/30
To do this evening/ was completed: Reinspected Zodiac, have yet to schedule a pickup. Downloaded Troy (SimpleDCP) and transferred to DCP drive. Downloaded River Fork (part of Experiments on Existence program). The dropbox file featured no video content in DCPoMatic, just audio, however the VLC file played properly. Began downloading the ProRes file provided. Downloaded and ingested some upcoming preshow content, Forecast B, Lyle Lyle and Amsterdam 5min preshows. The rest of the content is still uploading to Drive. Presentation Issues: During round one in T4 and T6 MOD notified me that each film was still playing even though their respective start credits times had begun. Each film was behind by five minutes. Initially I thought this was due to the servers not starting the automated schedule but a bit later MOD contacted me again to say that the same issue was occurring in T2 and that this had happened during round one in T1 as well. I checked on T1 to see when the current round wa...